// Set CSS Vars
:root {
// These variables control everything
/* set base values */
--text-base-size: 1.125em;
/* This is for smaller text (sm and down) */
--text-scale-ratio-down: 1.15;
/* This is for larger text (md and up) */
--text-scale-ratio-up: 1.18;
// Calculate sizes
--text-xxs: calc(((1em / var(--text-scale-ratio-down)) / var(--text-scale-ratio-down)) / var(--text-scale-ratio-down));
--text-xs: calc(var(--text-xxs) * var(--text-scale-ratio-down));
--text-sm: calc(var(--text-xs) * var(--text-scale-ratio-down));
--text-md: calc(1em * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
--text-lg: calc(var(--text-md) * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
--text-xl: calc(var(--text-lg) * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
--text-xxl: calc(var(--text-xl) * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
--text-xxxl: calc(var(--text-xxl) * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
--text-xxxxl: calc(var(--text-xxxl) * var(--text-scale-ratio-up));
// Responsive
// Override variables for recalculation on desktops
@include mq(xxl){
:root {
/* set base values */
--text-base-size: 1.313em;
/* This is for smaller text (sm and down) */
--text-scale-ratio-down: 1.18;
/* This is for larger text (md and up) */
--text-scale-ratio-up: 1.22;
body {
// Set base font size
font-size: var(--text-base-size);
// Set font-size
h1 {
font-size: var(--text-xxxl);
进行编译后,它看起来类似于 IE 11 中的内容:
h1 {
font-size: 1.93878em;
IE 11无法理解自定义属性,因此使用值 1.93878em 。该值是由postcss-preset-env
这在这里不起作用,因为IE 11无法识别媒体查询中CSS变量的更新。也许是行不通的,因为CSS变量是嵌套的?
IE 11的解决方案是什么样的?