
时间:2019-06-06 15:01:05

标签: assembly x86 nasm x86-16 bootloader


cpu 386
bits 16
org 0h

    xor ax,ax
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,7c00h           ; setup stack

    mov ax,8000h
    mov es,ax              ; initialize es w/ 8000h
    mov ds,ax              ; initialize ds w/ 8000h


    mov ax,0206h           ;function/# of sec to read
    mov cx,0001h           ;0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits

    mov dh,00h             ;dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
    mov bx,0h              ;data buffer, points to es:0
    int 13h
    cmp ah,0
    jne load_prog          ;this is allowable because it is relative


    mov eax, [NUMBERS]
    add eax, 512           ;I think this have to plus numbers, so result have to be 512 = 0 + 512
    mov [NUMBERS], eax     ;And this i think have to store result to NUMBERS

    mov si, msg0
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz print_2
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_1

    mov si, [NUMBERS]
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz print_3
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_2

    mov si, msg1
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz next
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_3

    jmp done


    msg0 db 'Counted numbers ',0
    msg1 db ' of 4194304',13,10,0
    NUMBERS dd 0
    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 55h,0aah
    times 4096-($-$$) db 0

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

TL; DR :看来您的主要问题是使用MOV指令将数字存储到内存中不会将值转换为字符串。您必须编写代码将整数转换为字符串。


val = number to convert
  digit = val MOD 10     ; digit = remainder of val/10
  val   = val DIV 10     ; val = quotient of val/10 
  digit = digit + '0'    ; Convert digit to character value by adding '0'
  Store digit
until val == 0

Print digits in reverse order


  • 1234/10 = 123余数4(数字)
  • 123/10 = 12余数3(数字)
  • 12/10 = 1余数2(数字)
  • 1/10 = 0余数1(数字)
  • 完成





; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None


; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None



cpu 386
bits 16
org 0h

    xor ax,ax
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,7c00h               ; setup stack

    mov ax,8000h
    mov es,ax                  ; initialize es w/ 8000h
    mov ds,ax                  ; initialize ds w/ 8000h


    mov ax,0206h               ; function/# of sec to read
    mov cx,0001h               ; 0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits

    mov dh,00h                 ; dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
    mov bx,0h                  ; data buffer, points to es:0
    int 13h
    cmp ah,0
    jne load_prog              ; this is allowable because it is relative


    mov eax, [NUMBERS]
    add eax, 512               ; Advance value by 512

    mov si, msg0
    call print_str

    mov di, strbuf             ; ES:DI points to string buffer to store to
    call uint32_to_str         ; Convert 32-bit unsigned value in EAX to ASCII string

    mov si, di                 ; DS:SI points to string buffer to print
    call print_str

    mov si, msg1
    call print_str

    cmp eax, 1024*4096         ; End loop at 4194304 (1024*4096)
    jl next                    ; Continue until we reach limit

    mov [NUMBERS], eax         ; Store final value in NUMBERS

    jmp done

; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push ax
    push di

    mov ah,0x0e
    lodsb                      ; Same as mov al,[si] and inc si
    test al, al                ; Same as cmp al,0
    jz .end
    int 0x10
    jmp .getchar

    pop di
    pop ax

; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push edx
    push eax
    push ecx
    push bx
    push di

    xor bx, bx                 ; Digit count
    mov ecx, 10                ; Divisor

    xor edx, edx               ; Division will use 64-bit dividend in EDX:EAX
    div ecx                    ; Divide EDX:EAX by 10
                               ;     EAX=Quotient
                               ;     EDX=Remainder(the current digit)
    add dl, '0'                ; Convert digit to ASCII
    push dx                    ; Push on stack so digits can be popped off in
                               ;     reverse order when finished

    inc bx                     ; Digit count += 1
    test eax, eax
    jnz .digloop               ; If dividend is zero then we are finished
                               ;     converting the number

    ; Get digits from stack in reverse order we pushed them
    pop ax
    stosb                      ; Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di
    dec bx
    jne .popdigloop            ; Loop until all digits have been popped

    mov al, 0
    stosb                      ; NUL terminate string
                               ; Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di

    pop di
    pop bx
    pop ecx
    pop eax
    pop edx

    NUMBERS dd 0
    msg0    db 'Counted numbers ',0
    msg1    db ' of 4194304',13,10,0

    ; String buffer to hold ASCII string of 32-bit unsigned number
    strbuf times 11 db 0

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 55h,0aah
    times 4096-($-$$) db 0



; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push ax
    push di

    mov ah,0x0e
    jmp .getchar               ; Start by getting next character
    int 0x10
    lodsb                      ; Same as mov al,[si] and inc si
    test al, al                ; Is it NUL terminator?
    jnz .printchar             ; If not print character and repeat

    pop di
    pop ax

原始uint32_to_str旨在始终返回从所传递缓冲区的开头开始的字符串。这与 C 的非标准函数itoa类似,其中传递的缓冲区的地址与该函数返回的地址相同。

通过消除用于反转字符串的推动和弹出,可以大大简化代码。可以通过在输出缓冲区中将出现NUL终止符的位置开始写入ASCII数字来完成此操作。 ASCII数字在计算时从字符串的结尾到开头插入到缓冲区中。从函数返回的地址可能在传递的缓冲区的中间。通过此代码中的 DI 寄存器,将数字字符串的开头返回给调用方:

; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print.
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string.
;             buffer must be at a minimum 11 bytes in length to
;             hold the largest unsigned decimal number that
;             can be represented in 32-bits including a 
;             NUL terminator.
; Returns:
;     ES:DI   Points to beginning of buffer where the string starts.
;             This may not be the same address that was passed as a
;             parameter in DI initially. DI may point to a position in
;             in the middle of the buffer.
; Clobbered:
;     None

    MAX_OUT_DIGITS equ 10      ; Largest unsigned int represented in 32-bits is 10 bytes

    push edx
    push eax
    push ecx

    mov ecx, 10                ; Divisor
    add di, MAX_OUT_DIGITS     ; Start at a point in the buffer we
                               ;     can move backwards from that can handle
                               ;     a 10 digit number and NUL terminator
    mov byte [es:di], 0        ; NUL terminate string

    xor edx, edx               ; Division will use 64-bit dividend in EDX:EAX
    div ecx                    ; Divide EDX:EAX by 10
                               ;     EAX=Quotient
                               ;     EDX=Remainder(the current digit)
    add dl, '0'                ; Convert digit to ASCII
    dec di                     ; Move to previous position in buffer
    mov [es:di], dl            ; Store the digit in the buffer

    test eax, eax
    jnz .digloop               ; If dividend is zero then we are finished
                               ;     converting the number

    pop ecx
    pop eax
    pop edx


  • 我不确定为什么要在0x0000:0x8000处将引导扇区和多余的扇区读入内存,但是我将代码保持原样。该代码有效,但我不确定为什么要这么做。
  • 由于您使用了指令CPU 386并使用了32位寄存器 EAX ,因此我创建了在需要时使用32位寄存器的代码,否则使用了16位寄存器。这减少了使代码膨胀的不必要的指令前缀。结果,此代码只能在具有386+处理器的系统上以实模式运行。您可以使用16位寄存器进行32位除法,但这更加复杂,超出了此答案的范围。