
时间:2019-06-05 20:17:49

标签: powershell snmp printers


$text = (.\snmpget.exe -v2c -c public -Oq x.x.x.x .


# extract text between quotation marks
$hexStr = ([regex]::Matches($text, '".*?"').Value -replace '"')
# remove whitespace
$hs=$hexStr -replace '\s',''
# extract modulus only
# convert to bytes
$bytes = Convert-HexStringToByteArray -String $hs1
# convert bytes to base64 encoded string
$b = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
# create new CSP object using RSA encryption and 2048-bit key length
$rsa = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048)
# set XML string that with modulus and exponent extracted from public key info
# set plaintext password that will be encrypted with public key
$pw = 'mypassword'
# encode password with UTF8
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
# encrypt password using CSP object
$encryptedBytes = $rsa.Encrypt($data, $true)
$hs2 = Convert-ByteArrayToHexString -ByteArray $encryptedBytes -Width 16 -Delimiter " "
$hs3 = $hs2 -join ''

我在尝试在打印机上设置dot1x密码时遇到麻烦。通过OID .设置此值。 WireShark捕获显示这是一个256字节的八位字节字符串。我尝试使用SNMPset设置值:


PS C:\ usr \ bin>。\ snmpset.exe -v 1 -r 0 -c公共x.x.x.x   . x“ $ hs3”数据包中的错误。原因:   (badValue)给定的值具有错误的类型或长度。失败的   对象:SNMPv2-SMI :: enterprises.

WireShark在设置请求中未显示任何错误,但在get-response中显示了错误代码(3)badValue。 AFAICT,我设置的值具有正确的长度(256)和格式(八位字节字符串),所以我不知道我在做什么错。有想法吗?

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