0000003 杉山______ 26 F
0000005 崎村______ 50 F
0000007 梶川______ 42 F
0000005 82 79 16 21 80
0000001 46 39 8 5 21
0000004 58 71 20 10 6
0000009 60 89 33 18 6
0000003 30 50 71 36 30
0000007 50 2 33 15 62
0000005 崎村______ 50 F 82 79 16 21 80
0000003 杉山______ 26 F 30 50 71 36 30
0000007 梶川______ 42 F 50 2 33 15 62
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为您的数据格式与上述相同。如果是CSV或其他任何格式,则可以跳过 Step-2 并根据数据格式更新 Step-1 。如果需要RDD格式的输出,则可以使用 Step-5 ,否则可以按照代码段中提到的注释将其忽略。
我出于可读性考虑修改了数据(例如A _____,B _____,C ____)。
//Step1: Loading file1 and file2 to corresponding DataFrame in text format
val df1 = spark.read.format("text").load("<path of file1>")
val df2 = spark.read.format("text").load("<path of file2>")
//Step2: Spliting single column "value" into multiple column for join Key
val file1 = ((((df1.withColumn("col1", split($"value", " ")(0)))
.withColumn("col2", split($"value", " ")(1)))
.withColumn("col3", split($"value", " ")(2)))
.withColumn("col4", split($"value", " ")(3)))
.select("col1","col2", "col3", "col4")
|col1 |col2 |col3|col4|
|0000003|A______|26 |F |
|0000005|B______|50 |F |
|0000007|C______|42 |F |
val file2 = ((((((df2.withColumn("col1", split($"value", " ")(0)))
.withColumn("col2", split($"value", " ")(1)))
.withColumn("col3", split($"value", " ")(2)))
.withColumn("col4", split($"value", " ")(3)))
.withColumn("col5", split($"value", " ")(4)))
.withColumn("col6", split($"value", " ")(5)))
.select("col1","col2", "col3", "col4","col5","col6")
|col1 |col2|col3|col4|col5|col6|
|0000005|82 |79 |16 |21 |80 |
|0000001|46 |39 |8 |5 |21 |
|0000004|58 |71 |20 |10 |6 |
|0000009|60 |89 |33 |18 |6 |
|0000003|30 |50 |71 |36 |30 |
|0000007|50 |2 |33 |15 |62 |
//Step3: you can do alias to refer column name with aliases to increase readablity
val file01 = file1.as("f1")
val file02 = file2.as("f2")
//Step4: Joining files on Key
file01.join(file02,col("f1.col1") === col("f2.col1"))
|col1 |col2 |col3|col4|col1 |col2|col3|col4|col5|col6|
|0000005|B______|50 |F |0000005|82 |79 |16 |21 |80 |
|0000003|A______|26 |F |0000003|30 |50 |71 |36 |30 |
|0000007|C______|42 |F |0000007|50 |2 |33 |15 |62 |
// Step5: if you want file data in RDD format the you can use below command
file01.join(file02,col("f1.col1") === col("f2.col1")).rdd.collect
Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([0000005,B______,50,F,0000005,82,79,16,21,80], [0000003,A______,26,F,0000003,30,50,71,36,30], [0000007,C______,42,F,0000007,50,2,33,15,62])
答案 1 :(得分:0)
val rddPair1 = logData1.map { x =>
var data = x.split(" ")
var index = 0
var value=""
var key = data(index)
for( i <- 0 to data.length-1){
value+= data(i)+" "
new Tuple2(key, value.trim)
val rddPair2 = logData2.map { x =>
var data = x.split(" ")
var index = 0
var value=""
var key = data(index)
for( i <- 0 to data.length-1){
value+= data(i)+" "
new Tuple2(key, value.trim)
rddPair1.join(rddPair2).collect().foreach(f =>{
println(f._1+" "+f._2._1+" "+f._2._2
0000003 杉山______ 26 F 30 50 71 36 30 0000005 崎村______ 50 F 82 79 16 21 80 0000007 梶川______ 42 F 50 2 33 15 62