我有一个JSP页面,其中包含指向GET http谓词的所有页面链接。我已使用安全扫描,但发现无法解决的问题之一。
这是下一页代码中导航的链接 GET / olwb / forgine / gteeseleion2.do?muid = 600
我在GET请求或Set-Cookie标头的查询字符串中找到了侵犯隐私的用户名。未知的应用程序测试旨在 发现自定义和商业软件中的新漏洞。因此,没有特定的补丁程序或 此问题的说明。
将登录信息保留在查询字符串或cookie值中,使攻击者可以轻松查看和篡改登录值。 让开发人员或安全管理员检查此问题。建议包括确保登录信息是 通过加密连接通过POST请求发送,并且敏感帐户信息保留在服务器上。
def receive: Receive = {
case GetMalletOutput(malletFile) => createMalletResult(malletFile).pipeTo(sender())
def createMalletResult(malletFile: String): Future[MalletModel] = {
//sample malletResult
val topics = Array(Topic("1", "2").toJson)
var mM: Future[MalletModel] = Future{MalletModel("contentID", topics)}
//first Future to save file in resource
def saveFile(malletFile: String): Future[String] = Future {
val res = MalletResult(malletFile)
val converted = res.Score.parseJson.convertTo[MalletRepo]
val fileName = converted.ContentId
val fileTemp = new File("src/main/resources/new_corpus/" + fileName)
val output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("src/main/resources/new_corpus/" + fileName))
//Second Future to used the resource file and create new one
def t2v(malletFile: String): Future[String] = Future{
val tmpDir = "src/main/resources/"
logger.debug("t2v Started")
Text2Vectors.main(("--input " + tmpDir + "new_corpus/ --keep-sequence --remove-stopwords " + "--output " + tmpDir + "new_corpus.mallet --use-pipe-from " + tmpDir + "corpus.mallet").split(" "))
logger.debug("text2Vector Completed")
//another future to take file from resource and save in the new file back in resource
def infer(malletFile: String): Future[String] = Future {
val tmpDir = "src/main/resources/"
val tmpDirNew = "src/main/resources/inferResult/"
logger.debug("infer started")
InferTopics.main(("--input " + tmpDir + "new_corpus.mallet --inferencer " + tmpDir + "inferencer " + "--output-doc-topics " + tmpDirNew + "doc-topics-new.txt --num-iterations 1000").split(" "))
logger.debug("infer Completed")
//final future to return the requested output using the saved future
def response(malletFile: String): Future[MalletModel] = Future{
logger.debug("response Started")
val lines = Source.fromResource("src/main/resources/inferResult/doc-topics-new.txt")
.drop(1) match {
case Nil => List.empty
case x :: xs => x.split(" ").drop(2).mkString(" ") :: xs
logger.debug("response On")
val result = MalletResult(malletFile)
val convert = result.Score.parseJson.convertTo[MalletRepo]
val contentID = convert.ContentId
val inFile = lines.mkString(" ")
val a = inFile.split(" ").zipWithIndex.collect { case (v, i) if (i % 2 == 0) =>
(v, i)
val b = inFile.split(" ").zipWithIndex.collect { case (v, i) if (i % 2 != 0) =>
(v, i)
val paired = a.zip(b) // [(s,t),(s,t)]
val topics = paired.map(x => Topic(x._2, x._1).toJson)
logger.debug("mallet results...")
logger.debug("response Done")
MalletModel(contentID, topics)
//calling one future after another to run future sequntially
val result: Future[MalletModel] =
saveFile(malletFile).flatMap(malletFile =>
t2v(malletFile).flatMap(mf =>
infer(mf).flatMap(mf =>