如何从UIView发送Pan Gesture触摸以滚动tableView

时间:2019-06-04 12:30:33

标签: swift uitableview uipangesturerecognizer


 /* small note. The container actually starts right above the screen             
    bottom line. So this is why I need to prevent it's movement under the 
    screen both in .began and .changed states of a pan gesture */

    @objc func handlePan(pan: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
        let panLocation = CGPoint(x: view.frame.width / 2, y: 
        pan.location(in: view).y)
        let velocity = pan.velocity(in: self.view)
        switch pan.state {
        case .began:
            /*here I check the direction of a pan gesture. If it goes down,  
    need to cancell attachment and instead scroll the content of a tableView*/
            if velocity.y > 0 {
               //this is where I think I need to send the touch
            //some attachement and animation code here...

        case .ended: 
            //some attachement and animation code here...
        case .changed:           
            //some attachement and animation code here...

            if drawerView.frame.maxY >= (view.frame.height) {
                if velocity.y > 0 {
                    //this is where I need to send the touch again
                } else {

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