
时间:2019-06-04 05:21:37

标签: reactjs typescript typescript2.0



type Button = {
  size: 'small' | 'large';
  appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
  isDisabled?: boolean;
  hasFancyOutline?: boolean;



type SharedButtonProps = {
  size: 'small' | 'large';

type NonOutlineButtonProps = SharedButtonProps & {
  appearance: solid' | 'minimal';
  isDisabled?: boolean;

type OutlineButtonProps = SharedButtonProps & {
  appearance: 'outline';
  isDisabled: false;
  hasFancyOutline?: boolean;

type Button = NonOutlineButtonProps | OutlineButtonProps


type Button = ConditionalProps<
    size: 'small' | 'large';
    appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
    isDisabled?: boolean;
    appearance: 'outline';
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean;


type ConditionalProps<BaseProps, ConditionalProps> = {
  // 1. Find keys with the same name in BaseProps & ConditionalProps. Optional and non-optional types such as `isDisabled?` and `isDisabled` need to be matched.

  type MatchingProps = Match<BaseProps, ConditionalProps> // { appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal', isDisabled?: boolean }

  type SharedProps = Omit<BaseProps, MatchingProps> // { size: 'small' | 'large' }

  // 2. Find what's the values of the props if they don't match the condition, e.g. 'appearance' would be either 'solid' or 'minimal'

  type FailConditionProps = RemainingValues<MatchingProps, ConditionalProps> // { appearance: 'solid' | 'minimal'; isDisabled?: boolean; }

  // 3. Assemble

  type FailConditionPlusSharedProps = SharedProps & FailConditionProps

  type PassConditionPlusSharedProps = SharedProps & ConditionalProps

  return FailConditionPlusSharedProps | PassConditionPlusSharedProps





  type Button = {
    size: 'small' | 'large';
    isReallyBig?: boolean;
    appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean;
    outlineBackgroundColor: string;
    isDisabled?: boolean;
    isLoading?: boolean;


    仅在isReallyBig? 时接受
  1. size = 'large'
  2. hasFancyOutline?outlineBackgroundColor仅在appearance = ‘outline’isDisabled = false
  3. 时被接受
  4. isLoading仅在true时可以是isDisabled = true


  type Button = ConditionalProps<
      size: 'small' | 'large';
      appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
      outlineBackgroundColor: string;
      isDisabled?: boolean;
        { size: 'large' },
        { isReallyBig?: boolean }
      ], [
        { appearance: 'outline', isDisabled: false },
        { hasFancyOutline?: boolean }
      ], [
        { isDisabled: true },
        { isLoading?: boolean }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在执行此操作时,我遇到的问题是,不清楚为什么只有appearance的值才应从普通情况中删除。 isDisabledtrue | false的并集,因此,从普通情况中删除所有值将导致在默认情况下从false中删除isDisabled。这可能不是所需的行为。


type Button = ConditionalProps<
    size: 'small' | 'large';
    appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
    isDisabled?: boolean;
  }, 'appearance',
    appearance: 'outline';
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean;

type RemoveCommonValues<T, TOmit> = {
  [P in keyof T]: TOmit extends Record<P, infer U> ? Exclude<T[P], U> : T[P]

type Omit<T, K extends PropertyKey> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>> // not needed in 3.5
type Id<T> = {} & { [P in keyof T]: T[P] } // flatens out the types to make them more readable can be removed
type ConditionalProps<T, TKey extends keyof TCase, TCase extends Partial<T>> =
  Id<Omit<T, keyof TCase> & TCase>
  | Id<RemoveCommonValues<T, Pick<TCase, TKey>>>

RemoveCommonValues遍历公共属性,如果它们在TOmit中定义,则从公共值中删除在那里定义的值。要获得由TOmit情况定义的属性,我们需要获取公共属性(Omit<T, keyof TOmit>)并将其与TOmit相交。


type Button = ConditionalProps<
    size: 'small' | 'large';
    appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
    isDisabled?: boolean;
  }, 'appearance',
    appearance: 'outline';
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean;
// same as 
type Button = {
    size: "small" | "large";
    appearance: "outline";
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
    size: "small" | "large";
    appearance: "solid" | "minimal";
    isDisabled?: boolean | undefined;


type Button = ConditionalProps<
  size: 'small' | 'large';
  appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
  isDisabled?: boolean;
}, 'appearance' ,{
  appearance: 'outline';
  isDisabled: false;
  hasFancyOutline?: boolean;
} | {
  appearance: 'minimal';
  isDisabled: false;
  useReadableFont?: boolean;
// same as
type Button = {
    size: "small" | "large";
    appearance: "outline";
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
    size: "small" | "large";
    appearance: "minimal";
    isDisabled: false;
    useReadableFont?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
    size: "small" | "large";
    appearance: "solid";
    isDisabled?: boolean | undefined;


type Button = ConditionalProps<
  size: 'small' | 'large';
  appearance: 'solid' | 'outline' | 'minimal';
  isDisabled?: boolean;
}, 'appearance' | 'size' ,{
  appearance: 'outline';
  size: 'small'
  isDisabled: false;
  hasFancyOutline?: boolean;
} | {
  appearance: 'minimal';
  size: 'small'
  isDisabled: false;
  hasFancyOutline?: boolean;
// same as
type Button = {
    appearance: "outline";
    size: "small";
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
    appearance: "minimal";
    size: "small";
    isDisabled: false;
    hasFancyOutline?: boolean | undefined;
} | {
    size: "large";
    appearance: "solid";
    isDisabled?: boolean | undefined;

不能使用minimal large按钮。