我是第一次使用Eclipse Che。根据此article尝试将它安装在本地kubernetes群集上后(失败,最后看到错误),我最终根据https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/che-6/docker-single-user.html上的文档在本地使用docker运行了它。甚至认为这是版本6的文档,似乎可以很好地启动版本7。
WARN: Bound 'eclipse/che' to 'eclipse/che:7.0.0-beta-5.0'
INFO: Proxy: HTTP_PROXY=gateway.docker.internal:3128, HTTPS_PROXY=gateway.docker.internal:3129, NO_PROXY=
WARN: Potential networking issue discovered!
WARN: We have identified that http and https proxies are set but no_proxy is not. This may cause fatal networking errors. Set no_proxy for your Docker daemon!
INFO: (che cli): 7.0.0-beta-5.0 - using docker 18.06.1-ce / docker4mac
WARN: Newer version 'rc' available
INFO: (che init): Installing configuration and bootstrap variables:
INFO: (che init): CHE_HOST=
INFO: (che init): CHE_VERSION=7.0.0-beta-5.0
INFO: (che init): CHE_CONFIG=~/che
INFO: (che init): CHE_INSTANCE=~/che/instance
INFO: (che config): Generating che configuration...
INFO: (che config): Customizing docker-compose for running in a container
INFO: (che start): Preflight checks
mem (1.5 GiB): [OK]
disk (100 MB): [OK]
port 8080 (http): [AVAILABLE]
conn (browser => ws): [OK]
conn (server => ws): [OK]
INFO: (che start): Starting containers...
INFO: (che start): Services booting...
INFO: (che start): Server logs at "docker logs -f che"
INFO: (che start): Booted and reachable
INFO: (che start): Ver: 7.0.0-beta-5.0
INFO: (che start): Use: http://localhost:8080
INFO: (che start): API: http://localhost:8080/swagger
我得到工作空间设置屏幕,然后选择 node.js 堆栈。堆栈创建得很好,并且工作区正在运行。但是,我被困住了。无法创建任何新项目或导入项目。如果转到工作区配置,则顶部栏显示以下错误:
PS:出于完整性考虑,这是我在使用适用于Mac的docker安装eclipse che 6手册时遇到的错误:
helm upgrade --install che --namespace che --set cheImage=eclipse/che-server:6.19.5 --set global.cheWorkspacesNamespace="che" --set
global.ingressDomain=${CHE_DOMAIN}.nip.io ./
Release "che" does not exist. Installing it now.
Error: validation failed: error validating "": error validating data:
[unknown object type "nil" in ConfigMap.data.CHE_LOGGER_CONFIG, unknown
object type "nil" in ConfigMap.data.CHE_OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENTID, unknown object
type "nil" in ConfigMap.data.CHE_OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET, unknown object
type "nil" in ConfigMap.data.CHE_WORKSPACE_HTTPS__PROXY, unknown object type
"nil" in ConfigMap.data.CHE_WORKSPACE_HTTP__PROXY, unknown object type "nil"
in ConfigMap.data.CHE_WORKSPACE_NO__PROXY]
更新1:添加了项目和项目视图的屏幕截图。还尝试降级到6.19.0,结果相同。当然,我也检查了Che 7的文档,但是也没有提到更新工作区定义。
更新2:根据quick-starts guide使用chectl