我试图在Excel VBA上构建一个函数,以获取3月/ 6月/ 9月/星期五的第三个星期三,具体取决于哪个日期接近指定日期。假设今天是6/2/2019,则应返回6/19/2019,如果是6/19/2019,则应返回9/18/2019,依此类推。但是,该代码不起作用。我已附上以下代码供您使用。谢谢!
Function NextIMMDate(ByVal dteFromDate As Date) As Date
Call getNextIMMDate(dteFromDate)
dayBool = (Day(dteFromDate) < Day(NextIMMDate))
monthBool = (Month(dteFromDate) = Month(NextIMMDate))
If (dayBool And monthBool) Or (Not dayBool And Not monthBool) Or (dayBool And Not monthBool) Then
Call getNextIMMDate(dteFromDate)
useDate = DateSerial(Year(dteFromDate), Month(dteFromDate), 21)
Call getNextIMMDate(useDate)
End If
End Function
Sub getNextIMMDate()
Const lngMONTHS_PER_ROLL As Long = 3
Const lngDAY As Long = 20
Dim lngMonth As Long
Dim NextIMMDate As Date
' dteFromDate = Range("B13")
lngMonth = -Int((-Month(dteFromDate) - IIf(Day(dteFromDate) > lngDAY, 1, 0)) _
NextDate = DateSerial(Year(dteFromDate), lngMonth, lngDAY)
If Weekday(NextDate) = vbWednesday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 20
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbMonday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 15
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbTuesday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 21
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbThursday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 19
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbFriday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 18
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbSaturday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 17
ElseIf Weekday(NextDate) = vbSunday Then
lngROLL_DAY = 16
End If
NextIMMDate = DateSerial(Year(dteFromDate), lngMonth, lngROLL_DAY)
' Range("B31") = NextIMMDate
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Public Function NextIMMDate(ByVal dteFromDate As Date) As Date
Const nthPosition As Long = 3 'Third week
Const dayIndex As Long = 4 'Wednesday
Dim targetYear As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim arrMonths(1 To 4) As Long: For X = 1 To 4: arrMonths(X) = X * 3: Next X
Dim arrDates(1 To 4) As Date
targetYear = Year(dteFromDate)
For X = LBound(arrMonths) To UBound(arrMonths)
If X = UBound(arrMonths) Then
'handle next year?
arrDates(X) = NthWeekday(nthPosition, dayIndex, 3, targetYear + 1)
arrDates(X) = NthWeekday(nthPosition, dayIndex, arrMonths(X), targetYear)
End If
If arrDates(X) > dteFromDate Then
NextIMMDate = arrDates(X)
Exit For
End If
Next X
End Function
Public Function NthWeekday(Position, dayIndex As Long, targetMonth As Long, Optional targetYear As Long)
'Source: http://www.vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=814
' Returns any arbitrary weekday (the "Nth" weekday) of a given month
' Position is the weekday's position in the month. Must be a number 1-5, or the letter L (last)
' DayIndex is weekday: 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ..., 7=Saturday
' TargetMonth is the month the date is in: 1=Jan, 2=Feb, ..., 12=Dec
' If TargetYear is omitted, year for current system date/time is used
' This function as written supports Excel. To support Access, replace instances of
' CVErr(xlErrValue) with Null. To use with other VBA-supported applications or with VB,
' substitute a similar value
Dim FirstDate As Date
' Validate DayIndex
If dayIndex < 1 Or dayIndex > 7 Then
NthWeekday = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
If targetYear = 0 Then targetYear = Year(Now)
Select Case Position
'Validate Position
Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "L", "l"
' Determine date for first of month
FirstDate = DateSerial(targetYear, targetMonth, 1)
' Find first instance of our targeted weekday in the month
If Weekday(FirstDate, vbSunday) < dayIndex Then
FirstDate = FirstDate + (dayIndex - Weekday(FirstDate, vbSunday))
ElseIf Weekday(FirstDate, vbSunday) > dayIndex Then
FirstDate = FirstDate + (dayIndex + 7 - Weekday(FirstDate, vbSunday))
End If
' Find the Nth instance. If Position is not numeric, then it must be "L" for last.
' In that case, loop to find last instance of the month (could be the 4th or the 5th)
If IsNumeric(Position) Then
NthWeekday = FirstDate + (Position - 1) * 7
If Month(NthWeekday) <> Month(FirstDate) Then NthWeekday = CVErr(xlErrValue)
NthWeekday = FirstDate
Do Until Month(NthWeekday) <> Month(NthWeekday + 7)
NthWeekday = NthWeekday + 7
End If
' This only comes into play if the user supplied an invalid Position argument
Case Else
NthWeekday = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:1)
^ (change to 5 for three months later)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Function NextThirdWednesdayQuarter(dt As Long)
Dim i As Long, m As Long, y As Long
ReDim dts(0) As Variant
'building the 'third Wednesday' doesn't take long
'you should never need more than Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec for
'the current year and the next year of input date
'descending order for the worksheet match function
For y = Year(dt) + 1 To Year(dt) Step -1
'for Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
For m = 12 To 3 Step -3
'third Wednesday in m and y
dts(UBound(dts)) = CLng(DateSerial(y, m, 22 - Weekday(DateSerial(y, m, 0), vbWednesday)))
'make room for next
ReDim Preserve dts(UBound(dts) + 1)
Next m
Next y
'remove last unused array element
ReDim Preserve dts(UBound(dts) - 1)
'add noon to input date so equals won't match
'worksheet's Match in descending order gives position of date from array
NextThirdWednesdayQuarter = dts(Application.Match(dt + 0.5, dts, -1) - 1)
'don't forget to format the UDF worksheet cell as a date
End Function