Docker Swarm:docker机器还是6个物理VM或节点?

时间:2019-06-01 01:11:11

标签: docker docker-swarm

我对docker swarms完全陌生。我正在学习的书似乎表明在开始之前有六个单独的物理VM或节点。但是,本教程`{ 似乎暗示我可以使用docker-machine创建6个VM。设置码头工人群的正确做法是什么?另外,我尝试创建一个docker-machine并得到以下错误:

PS C:\dev\docker\swarm> docker-machine create --driver hyperv mgr1
Running pre-create checks...
Creating machine...
(mgr1) Copying C:\Users\manag\.docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso to C:\Users\manag\.docker\machine\machines\mgr1\boot2docker.iso...
(mgr1) Creating SSH key...
(mgr1) Creating VM...
(mgr1) Using switch "Minikube"
(mgr1) Creating VHD
(mgr1) Starting VM...
Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: exit status 1
You can further specify your shell with either 'cmd' or 'powershell' with the --shell flag.

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