I need to check is user authorized to do this or to do that in resolvers, but i don't want to write same codes in every resolvers. So it seems i should use decorators. But i don't know how to use decorators there without classes.
the decoded UserId from jwt
token is there i req
object with using context, and my resolver like this:
import { isAllowed } from 'somewhere';
export default {
Query: {
async q1(_, args, {req}) {
if (!isAllowed(req.userId,'action') throw new Error('Not Authorized!');
I've something like this in my mind:
export default {
Query: {
async q1(_, args, {req}) {
// ...
// this method doesn't need authorization.
async q2(_,args, {req}) {
But i don't know how to implement it.
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