我在WPF应用程序中使用GMaps.NET和GMaps.WindowsPresentation。 GMaps演示文稿附带的类之一是GMapPolygon和一个名为CreatePath的函数。我正在尝试使用此功能测试在两个或多个点之间添加一条线,但在解析点列表时遇到了错误。一定是某种类型的列表,还是我错过了一些东西。
我没有找到使用Windows Presentation在两点之间画一条线的示例,但有Windows窗体的
List<PointLatLng> points = new List<PointLatLng>();
points.Add(new PointLatLng(48.866383, 2.323575));
points.Add(new PointLatLng(48.863868, 2.321554));
points.Add(new PointLatLng(48.861017, 2.330030));
points.Add(new PointLatLng(48.863727, 2.331918));
GMapPolygon SectorPolygon = new GMapPolygon(points);
SectorPolygon.CreatePath( points,true);
public virtual Path CreatePath(List<Point> localPath, bool addBlurEffect)
// Create a StreamGeometry to use to specify myPath.
StreamGeometry geometry = new StreamGeometry();
using(StreamGeometryContext ctx = geometry.Open())
ctx.BeginFigure(localPath[0], true, true);
// Draw a line to the next specified point.
ctx.PolyLineTo(localPath, true, true);
// Freeze the geometry (make it unmodifiable)
// for additional performance benefits.
// Create a path to draw a geometry with.
Path myPath = new Path();
// Specify the shape of the Path using the StreamGeometry.
myPath.Data = geometry;
BlurEffect ef = new BlurEffect();
ef.KernelType = KernelType.Gaussian;
ef.Radius = 3.0;
ef.RenderingBias = RenderingBias.Performance;
myPath.Effect = ef;
myPath.Stroke = Brushes.MidnightBlue;
myPath.StrokeThickness = 5;
myPath.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round;
myPath.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle;
myPath.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square;
myPath.Fill = Brushes.AliceBlue;
myPath.Opacity = 0.6;
myPath.IsHitTestVisible = false;
return myPath;