认证的Hyperledger Fabric管理员测试准备

时间:2019-05-31 08:55:48

标签: hyperledger-fabric

我希望参加Linux Foundation主办的“认证的Hyperledger Fabric管理员” 测试。我需要做好充分彻底的准备。到目前为止,我一直在研究文档中有关Fabric的所有内容。但是我认为文档并不是专门为认证测试做准备的。我想知道是否还有其他人出现过相同的证书。如果有人分享他的经验并逐步介绍考试的难度和格式,那将是一个很大的帮助。另外,我应该选择什么方法才能通过考试并获得良好的成绩呢?




1.I want a complete insight of the Examination pattern, schemes and course.
2. How can I best prepare to obtain the best grades possible?

3. Are there any platforms which I can utilize to mock the test or get blue prints of the questions?
4. Brief step to step guidance script from someone who has already appeared and qualified for this certification or any other considerate one.

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