set encoding iso_8859_1
set xtics font "Helvetica,16"
set ytics font "Helvetica,16"
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color size 12in,6in
set grid
set key box vertical width 2 height 0.75 maxcols 1 #spacing 1
load "../estilos.txt"
# TMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.90; set bmargin at screen 0.55"
# BMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.55; set bmargin at screen 0.20"
# LMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.15; set rmargin at screen 0.55"
# RMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.55; set rmargin at screen 0.95"
set output "_Mult_16R_4Chk_mp.eps"
set title "Minimum number of contention intervals, {/Symbol D}=1" font "Helvetica,17"
set multiplot layout 3,4 columnsfirst
set xlabel ""
set ylabel "T [s]" font "Helvetica,19"
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:140] "contention_1/sys-time-4-16-80-15-2.txt" u ($1/60):2 every 2 ls 20 ps 0.35 title "MSL=80%"
set title ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
set ylabel "Queue length [batches]" font "Helvetica,19"
plot [0:40][0:70] "contention_1/queue-length-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 20 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_1/queue-length-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 2200 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_1/queue-length-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 5550 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set key bottom right font "Helvetica,16"
set ylabel "Inventory ratio, {/Symbol g}" font "Helvetica,19"
set xlabel "Operation time [minutes]" font "Helvetica,19"
plot [0:40][0:1] "contention_1/known-ratio-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 20 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_1/known-ratio-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 2200 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_1/known-ratio-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 5550 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set title "Minimum number of contention intervals, {/Symbol D}=100" font "Helvetica,17"
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:140] "contention_100/sys-time-4-16-80-15-2.txt" u ($1/60):2 every 2 ls 20 ps 0.35 title "MSL=80%"
set title ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:70] "contention_100/queue-length-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 20 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_100/queue-length-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 2200 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_100/queue-length-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 5550 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set key bottom right font "Helvetica,16"
set xlabel "Operation time [minutes]" font "Helvetica,19"
plot [0:40][0:1] "contention_100/known-ratio-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 20 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_100/known-ratio-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 2200 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_100/known-ratio-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 5550 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set title "Minimum number of contention intervals, {/Symbol D}=200" font "Helvetica,17"
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:140] "contention_200/sys-time-4-16-80-15-2.txt" u ($1/60):2 every 2 ls 20 ps 0.35 title "MSL=80%"
set title ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:70] "contention_200/queue-length-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 20 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_200/queue-length-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 2200 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_200/queue-length-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 5550 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set key bottom right font "Helvetica,16"
set xlabel "Operation time [minutes]" font "Helvetica,19"
plot [0:40][0:1] "contention_200/known-ratio-4-16-50-15-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 20 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_200/known-ratio-4-16-80-15-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 2200 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_200/known-ratio-4-16-98-15-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 5550 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set title "Minimum number of contention intervals, {/Symbol D}=300" font "Helvetica,17"
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
# set ylabel "T [s]" font "Helvetica,19"
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:140] "contention_300/sys-time-4-16-80-15-300-2.txt" u ($1/60):2 every 2 ls 20 ps 0.35 title "MSL=80%"
set title ""
set key top left font "Helvetica,16"
plot [0:40][0:70] "contention_300/queue-length-4-16-50-15-300-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 20 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_300/queue-length-4-16-80-15-300-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 2200 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_300/queue-length-4-16-98-15-300-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 with lines ls 5550 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
set key bottom right font "Helvetica,16"
set xlabel "Operation time [minutes]" font "Helvetica,19"
plot [0:40][0:1] "contention_300/known-ratio-4-16-50-15-300-1.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 20 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=50%" ,\
"contention_300/known-ratio-4-16-80-15-300-2.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 2200 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=80%" ,\
"contention_300/known-ratio-4-16-98-15-300-3.txt" using ($1/60):2 every 2 w linespoints ls 5550 ps 0.75 lw 1.5 title "MSL=98%"
unset multiplot
我在本节的Multiplot – placing graphs next to each other中看到,使用set l/b/r/tmargin at screen value
是在多图2x2中设置帧大小的方法,但在我的情况下,multiplot 3x4
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我认为,您可能应该忘记set multiplot layout 3,4
### customized multiplot
reset session
# Parameters to tune
PlotRows = 3
PlotCols = 4
TitlePosY = 0.98
MultiPlotTop = 0.93
SizeScalingX = 0.90
SizeScalingY = 0.95
MultiPlotBottom = 0.05
XLabelPosY = 0.03
MultiPlotLeft = 0.07
YLabelPosX = 0.02
set lmargin 2
# define origin functions
PlotGridX = (1-MultiPlotLeft)/PlotCols
PlotOriginX(n) = ((n-1)%PlotCols)*PlotGridX + MultiPlotLeft
PlotGridY = (MultiPlotTop-MultiPlotBottom)/PlotRows
PlotOriginY(n) = (PlotRows-1-int((n-1)/PlotCols))*PlotGridY + MultiPlotBottom
# set size
set size SizeScalingX*(1-MultiPlotLeft)/PlotCols, SizeScalingY*(MultiPlotTop+MultiPlotBottom)/PlotRows
# set your titles and labels
TitleStd = "Minimum number of \ncontention intervals, {/Symbol D}="
TitleVar = "1 100 200 300"
XLabelStd = "Operation time [minutes]"
do for [i=1:PlotCols] {
set label i at screen PlotOriginX(i), screen TitlePosY TitleStd.word(TitleVar,i) font "Helvetica,8"
set label i+10 at screen PlotOriginX(i), screen XLabelPosY XLabelStd font "Helvetica,8"
YLabels = '"T [s]" "Queue length [batches]" "Inventory ratio, {/Symbol g}"'
do for [i=1:PlotRows] {
set label i+20 at screen YLabelPosX, screen PlotOriginY(i*PlotCols)+PlotGridY*0.5 word(YLabels,i) rotate by 90 center
set multiplot
do for [i=1:12] { # do your 3x4 plots here and increase "counter" i after each plot
set origin PlotOriginX(i), PlotOriginY(i)
plot 10**((i-1)/4)*sin(0.1*i*x) notitle
unset multiplot
### end of code