
时间:2019-05-30 16:07:14

标签: haskell permutation

我想从两个列表中创建所有可能排列的列表。但是,我不想长篇大论。 例如,第一个列表为["a", "e", "i", "o" "u"],第二个列表为[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 那么结果之一就是[["a",1,"i",2],["u",4,"e",s].....]

listsOfPossibilitiesN ::[a] -> [a]  -> [[a]]
listsOfPossibilitiesN  a b = case a of
    _ -> (listMakerN [] a b (length a) (length b) 0)

-- | list = storage, and show at the end of loop, p1h = first list, p2h = second list,
-- | count(x) = count to stop loop when the thing is fully rotated, depthCount = count to stop all loop when the depth reached 10
listMakerN :: [a] -> [a]  -> [a] -> Integer  -> Integer -> Integer -> [[a]]
listMakerN list p1h  p2h count1 count2 depthCount
    | depthCount == 10 = [list]
    | count1 == 0 = []
    | otherwise = case p1h of
                    ((x:xs)) -> (listMaker2N (list ++ [x])  xs p2h (count2 - 1) count2 (depthCount + 1)) ++ listMakerN list (xs ++ [x]) p2h (count1 - 1) count2 depthCount

listMaker2N ::  [a] -> [a]  -> [a] -> Integer -> Integer  -> Integer -> [[a]]
listMaker2N list  p1h  p2h count1 count2 depthCount
    | depthCount == 10 = [list]
    | count2 == 0 = []
    | otherwise = case p2h of
                    ((x:xs)) -> (listMakerN (list ++ [x])  p1h xs count1 (count1 ) (depthCount + 1))  ++ listMaker2N list p1h (xs ++ [x]) count1 (count2 - 1) depthCount

我在上面做了这个功能(对不起,我的图像不好。我终于可以弄清楚如何将代码放入问题中了),但是要花很长时间才能得到结果。 我该如何做得更好?(提醒您,我是编程的初学者)


> listsOfPossibilitiesN  [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 不确定地选择元音的排列
  2. 为排列分配索引
  3. 使用标准的tails技巧从此列表中不确定地选择适当数量的元素


import Data.List

choose :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
choose 0 xs = [[]]
choose n xs = do
    x:xs' <- tails xs
    (x:) <$> choose (n-1) xs'

assignments :: Int -> [a] -> [[(Int, a)]]
assignments n xs = do
    xs' <- permutations xs
    choose n (zip [1..] xs')


> mapM_ print (assignments 2 "abc")