
时间:2019-05-30 03:32:56

标签: zabbix agent

CentOS7平台 Zabbix代理3.4.2


 24885:20190531:142341.914 Process exited with code: 1.
 24883:20190531:142428.029 Process exited with code: 1.
 24885:20190531:142509.828 Process exited with code: 1.
 24885:20190531:142533.803 Process exited with code: 1.
 24885:20190531:142605.514 Process exited with code: 1.
 24883:20190531:142634.529 Process exited with code: 1.
 24883:20190531:142703.896 Process exited with code: 1.
 24885:20190531:142733.949 Process exited with code: 1.
 24883:20190531:142808.185 Process exited with code: 1.
 24883:20190531:142834.338 Process exited with code: 1.
 24884:20190531:142911.135 Process exited with code: 1.

大约30s一次。设置debuglevel = 4后,日志如下:

15345:20190530:110306.811 In update_cpustats()
15345:20190530:110306.811 End of update_cpustats()
15345:20190530:110306.811 __zbx_zbx_setproctitle() title:'collector [idle 1 sec]'
15347:20190530:110307.520 In zbx_waitpid()
15347:20190530:110307.520 zbx_waitpid() exited, status:1
15347:20190530:110307.520 End of zbx_waitpid():15530
15347:20190530:110307.520 Process exited with code: 1.
15347:20190530:110307.521 Sending back [ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED: Process exited with code: 1.]

服务器端报告错误:hostname02上的zabbix-agent 10分钟未到达。 我在Google中搜索了错误,但一无所获。有没有人遇到此错误或告诉我如何调试此错误?

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