% get the patches in axes object
vector_patches = findobj(ax, 'Type','patch');
% we get for example the first patch
h_patch = vector_patches(1)
% display the x-y-z coordinates in column-wise: sometimes appears no data, other times it recovers succesfully the x and y, but not z..
disp([h_patch.XData', h_patch.YData', h_patch.ZData'])
% another way of accesing the data
vec_children = ax.Children; % get axes children
% we take the first object of vector. if it is patch...
if strcmp(get(vec_children(1),'Type','patch')),'patch')
h_pat = vec_children(1);
% then we extract in another way the data using get
x_dat = get(h_pat,'XData');
y_dat = get(h_pat,'YData');
z_dat = get(h_pat,'ZData');
end %endif
% finally we try to display the results...
disp([x_dat', y_dat', z_dat'])