
时间:2019-05-29 18:17:16

标签: python machine-learning scikit-learn

这个问题was already asked a year ago on StackExchange/Stats,但被标记为题外话,没有答案就结束了。

结果是,我的问题是相同的:是否有Python(scikit-learn或其他)成本曲线实现,如Cost curves: An improved method for visualizing classifier performance 中所述?如果没有,我该如何实施它,同时考虑地面真相标签,预测和可能的误分类成本?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# C(-|+)
cost_fn = <a scalar value>
# C(+|-)
cost_fp = <a scalar value>

# Ground truth
truth = <a list of 0 (negative class) or 1 (positive class)>
# Predictions from a classifier
score = <a list of [0,1] class probabilities>


# 1D-array of x-axis values (normalized PC)
pc = None
# list of lines as (slope, intercept)
lines = []
# lower envelope of the list of lines as a 1D-array of y-axis values (NEC)
lower_envelope = []
# area under the lower envelope (the smaller, the better)
area = None


# points from the roc curve, because a point in the ROC space <=> a line in the cost space
roc_fpr, roc_tpr, _ = roc_curve(truth, score)

# compute the normalized p(+)*C(-|+)
thresholds = np.arange(0, 1.01, .01)
pc = (thresholds*cost_fn) / (thresholds*cost_fn + (1-thresholds)*cost_fp)

# compute a line in the cost space for each point in the roc space
for fpr, tpr in zip(roc_fpr, roc_tpr):
    slope = (1-tpr-fpr)
    intercept = fpr
    lines.append((slope, intercept))

# compute the lower envelope
for x_value in pc:
    y_value = min([slope*x_value+intercept for slope, intercept in lines])
    lower_envelope.append(max(0, y_value))
lower_envelope = np.array(lower_envelope)

# compute the area under the lower envelope using the composite trapezoidal rule
area = np.trapz(lower_envelope, pc)


# display each line as a thin dashed line
for slope, intercept in lines:
    plt.plot(pc, slope*pc+intercept, color="grey", lw=1, linestyle="--")

# display the lower envelope as a thicker black line
plt.plot(pc, lower_envelope, color="black", lw=3, label="area={:.3f}".format(area))

# plot parameters
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05*max(lower_envelope)])
plt.xlabel("Probability Cost Function")
plt.ylabel("Normalized Expected Cost")
plt.title("Cost curve")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")



Example of cost curve