
时间:2011-04-12 13:59:26

标签: scala typeclass implicits


abstract class Fruit
class Orange extends Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit


trait Writer[T] {def write(t:T)}

implicit object AppleWriter extends Writer[Apple] {
   def write(a:Apple) {println("I am an apple!")} 

implicit object OrangeWriter extends Writer[Orange] {
   def write(o:Orange) {println("I am an orange!")} 

def write[T](t:T)(implicit w:Writer[T]){w.write(t)}


def writeFruits(fruits:List[Fruit]) {for (fruit <- fruits) write(fruit)}



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


implicit object FruitWriter extends Writer[Fruit] {
  def write(a : Fruit) = a match {
    case _ : Apple => println("I am an apple!")
    case _ : Orange => println("I am an orange")

您还可以使用方差来定义类型类,以便在需要Writer [Apple]时可以使用Writer [Fruit]。这很不幸,但是如果你想使用OO多态,你必须将其编码到功能方面。

* 强文 *另一种选择是使用HList进行写水果并自己完成所有的类型递归......


trait HList
object HNil extends HList
case class ::[A, Rest <: HList](head : A, tail : Rest)


implicit def nilWriter = new Writer[HNil] = { def write(o : HNil) = () }
implicit def hlistWriter[A, Rest](implicit aw : Writer[A], rw : Writer[Rest]) =
  new Writer[A :: Rest] {
  def write(o : (A :: Rest)) = {


write( new Orange :: new Apple :: HNil)


答案 1 :(得分:4)

您只需挑选Fruit存在Writer的{​​{1}}。不幸的是,一旦你转向Fruit,你就失去了自动找出哪个是哪个的能力。如果你必须以这种方式设置问题 - 而不是汇编可写水果或某些东西的列表 - 那么一个合理的选择是再次使用FruitWriter拆分类型:

def writeOne[T](t:T)(implicit w:Writer[T]){w.write(t)}  // New name to avoid shadowing

implicit object FruitWriter extends Writer[Fruit] {
  def write(f: Fruit) { f match {
    case o: Orange => writeOne(o)
    case a: Apple => writeOne(a)

scala> val fruits = List(new Apple, new Orange)
fruits: List[Fruit] = List(Apple@1148ab5c, Orange@39ea2de1)

scala> for (fruit <- fruits) writeOne(fruit)
I am an apple!
I am an orange!

答案 2 :(得分:2)


abstract class Fruit {}
case object Orange extends Fruit
case object Apple extends Fruit

trait Writer[T] {def write (t:T)}

implicit object FruitWriter extends Writer [Fruit] {
   def write (fruit: Fruit) = fruit match { 
     case Apple => println ("I am an apple!")
     case Orange => println ("I am an orange!")

def writeFruits (fruits: List[Fruit]) {
  for (fruit <- fruits) write(fruit)

val fl = List (Orange, Apple, Apple, Orange, Apple)    

writeFruits (fl)                                       
I am an orange!
I am an apple!
I am an apple!
I am an orange!
I am an apple!

答案 3 :(得分:1)


sealed trait Fruit

case class Orange extends Fruit with OrangeWriter 
case class Apple extends Fruit
case class Banana extends Fruit

trait Writer {
  def write()

trait AppleWriter extends Writer {
  self: Apple =>
  def write() {println("I am an apple!")}

trait OrangeWriter extends Writer {
  self: Orange =>
  def write() {println("I am an orange!")}

def writeFruits(fruits:List[Fruit]) {
  fruits.collect{case w:Writer => w}.foreach(_.write())

writeFruits(List(Apple(), Orange(),Banana(), new Apple with AppleWriter))

正如您所看到的,您可以FruitWriter附加Orange(此处Apple s),您可以“动态”附加作家(最后一个{ {1}}中的{1}}。