
时间:2019-05-29 11:50:39

标签: json swift codable


我尝试遵循这里的建议,因为它似乎很相似,但是没有运气。 Reddit link to tried solution.

我也对本文及其引用的文章进行了红色标记。 Article link.




struct Message: Codable {
    let messageID: Int
    let appVersion: String
    let certaintyFactor: Int
    let comments: String?
    let defaultPriority: String
    let explanation: [Explanation]
    let name: String
    let patient: [PatientInfo]
    let risk: String
    let rule: Rule
    let urgency: String

struct Explanation: Codable {
    let id, name: String
    let content: Resource

    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id
        case name
        case content


struct Patient: Codable{
    let id: String
    let text: Text
    let identifier: [Identifier]
    let active: Bool
    let name: [Name]
    let telecom: [Identifier]
    let gender, birthDate: String
    let deceasedBoolean: Bool
    let address: [Address]
    let maritalStatus: MaritalStatus
    let multipleBirthBoolean: Bool
    let contact: [Contact]
    let communication: [Communication]
    let managingOrganization: ManagingOrganization


struct Address: Codable {
    let use: String
    let line: [String]
    let city, postalCode, country: String

struct Communication: Codable {
    let language: MaritalStatus
    let preferred: Bool

struct MaritalStatus: Codable {
    let coding: [MaritalStatusCoding]
    let text: String

struct MaritalStatusCoding: Codable {
    let system: String
    let code, display: String

struct Contact: Codable {
    let relationship: [Relationship]
    let name: Name
    let telecom: [Identifier]

struct Name: Codable {
    let use, family: String
    let given: [String]
    let suffix: [String]?

struct Relationship: Codable {
    let coding: [RelationshipCoding]

struct RelationshipCoding: Codable {
    let system: String
    let code: String

struct ManagingOrganization: Codable {
    let reference, display: String
struct MedicationRequest: Codable {
    let resourceType, id: String
    let text: Text
    let contained: [Contained]
    let identifier: [Identifier]
    let status, intent: String
    let medicationReference: MedicationReference
    let subject, context: Context
    let authoredOn: String
    let requester: Requester
    let dosageInstruction: [DosageInstruction]
    let dispenseRequest: DispenseRequest
    let substitution: Substitution

struct Contained: Codable {
    let resourceType, id: String
    let code: Reason

struct Reason: Codable {
    let coding: [Coding]

struct Coding: Codable {
    let system: String
    let code, display: String
    let type: String?

struct Context: Codable {
    let reference, display: String

struct DispenseRequest: Codable {
    let validityPeriod: Period
    let numberOfRepeatsAllowed: Int
    let quantity, expectedSupplyDuration: ExpectedSupplyDuration

struct ExpectedSupplyDuration: Codable {
    let value: Int
    let unit: String
    let system: String
    let code: String

struct Period: Codable {
    let start, end: String

struct DosageInstruction: Codable {
    let sequence: Int
    let text: String
    let additionalInstruction: [Reason]
    let timing: Timing
    let asNeededCodeableConcept, route: Reason
    let doseQuantity, maxDosePerAdministration: ExpectedSupplyDuration

struct Timing: Codable {
    let timingRepeat: Repeat

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case timingRepeat = "repeat"

struct Repeat: Codable {
    let boundsPeriod: Period
    let frequency, period, periodMax: Int
    let periodUnit: String

struct MedicationReference: Codable {
    let reference: String

struct Requester: Codable {
    let agent: Context
    let onBehalfOf: MedicationReference

struct Substitution: Codable {
    let allowed: Bool
    let reason: Reason


let jsonData = try? JSON(parseJSON: rowData).rawData()
let message = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Message.self, from: jsonData!)


import Foundation

enum AnyResource : Codable {
    case patient(Patient)
    case medicationRequest(MedicationRequest)

    private enum CodingKeys :String, CodingKey {
        case patient
        case medicationRequest

    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        do {
            self = .patient(try container.decode(Patient.self, forKey: .patient))
        } catch DecodingError.keyNotFound {
            do {
                self = .medicationRequest(try container.decode(MedicationRequest.self, forKey: .medicationRequest))

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        /// I think I'm supposed to use a .nestedcontainer here? with a similar switch statement?


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