
时间:2019-05-29 09:08:00

标签: c++ factory factory-pattern move-constructor emplace

我有一个类,它的负载非常重,因此创建/复制/移动该类的实例非常昂贵。 由于在应用程序完成初始化之后它们将不会更改,因此无需创建此类的临时对象。我只需要将对象缓存在容器(std::map)中,并在需要时提供“常量引用”。


因此,我想将构造函数方法安排在类主体的“私有/受保护”部分中,以禁止在“ Factory-Method”之外创建/复制/移动任何方法。以下是我的原始解决方案:

class MyClass {
   // methods of the class
   static const MyClass & findObject( int iKey ) {
      auto pair = mapObjects.try_emplace( iKey, iKey );
      if ( pair.second )
         cout << "New object has been created" << endl;

      return pair.first->second;

   // deleted
   MyClass() = delete;
   MyClass( MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass( MyClass && ) = delete;
   MyClass( const MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass( const MyClass && ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( MyClass && ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( const MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( const MyClass && ) = delete;

   // vars of the class
   static map<int, MyClass> mapObjects;

   // vars of instance
   string some_heavy_payload;

   // methods of instance
   MyClass( int iKey ) : 
     some_heavy_payload( std::to_string( iKey ) ) {};

map<int, MyClass> MyClass::mapObjects;

int main() {
   const MyClass & obj = MyClass::findObject( 1 );
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

但是我感到矛盾的是,“ std :: try-emplace”也不能调用MyClass的构造函数。 编译器报告:“错误:‘MyClass :: MyClass(int)’在此上下文中是私有的。”


class MyClass {
   // methods of the class
   static const MyClass & findObject( int iKey ) {
      if ( mapObjects.find( iKey ) == mapObjects.cend() )
         mapObjects[iKey] = MyClass( iKey );

      return mapObjects[iKey];

   // deleted
   MyClass() = delete;
   MyClass( MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass( MyClass && ) = delete;
   MyClass( const MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass( const MyClass && ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( const MyClass & ) = delete;
   MyClass & operator=( const MyClass && ) = delete;

   // vars of the class
   static map<int, MyClass> mapObjects;

   // vars of instance
   string some_heavy_payload;

   // methods of instance
   MyClass( int iKey ) {
      some_heavy_payload = std::to_string( iKey );
   MyClass & operator=( MyClass && src ) {
      some_heavy_payload = std::move( src.some_heavy_payload );
      return *this;

map<int, MyClass> MyClass::mapObjects;

int main() {
   const MyClass & obj = MyClass::findObject( 1 );

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

这次,我得到一个错误:“使用已删除的功能'MyClass :: MyClass()'”。 我猜这是由std :: map的“ []”运算符导致的,因为它试图调用MyClass的默认构造函数。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


class MyClass {
    struct Key {}; // This is the Key!
    MyClass(MyClass const&) = delete;
    MyClass& operator=(MyClass const&) = delete;
    static map<int, MyClass> mapObjects;
    static MyClass const& findObject(int iKey) {
        auto [iter, created] = mapObjects.try_emplace(iKey, Key(), iKey );
        if (created)
            std::cout << "New object has been created\n";
        return iter->second;

    MyClass(Key, int iKey)
    : some_heavy_payload(std::to_string(iKey))
    string some_heavy_payload;

答案 1 :(得分:0)




#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>

class A
    A () { std::cout << "Create A" << '\n'; }
    A (const A &) = delete;
    A &operator= (const A&) = delete;
    A (A &&) = delete;
    A &operator= (const A&&) = delete;
    ~A () { std::cout << "Destroy A" << '\n'; }
    friend void createA (int key);

static std::map <int, std::unique_ptr <A>> objects;

void createA (int key)
    std::unique_ptr <A> a (new A);
    objects.insert (std::pair <int, std::unique_ptr <A>> (key, std::move (a)));

int main ()
    createA (1);
    createA (2);


Create A
Create A
Destroy A
Destroy A

Live demo


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>

class A
    A () { std::cout << "Create A" << '\n'; }
    A (const A &) = delete;
    A &operator= (const A&) = delete;
    A &operator= (const A&&) = delete;
    A (const A &&) { std::cout << "Move A" << '\n'; }
    ~A () { std::cout << "Destroy A" << '\n'; }
    friend void createA (int key);

static std::map <int, A> objects;

void createA (int key)
    A a;
    objects.insert (std::pair <int, A> (key, std::move (a)));

int main ()
    createA (1);
    createA (2);


Create A
Move A
Move A
Destroy A
Destroy A
Create A
Move A
Move A
Destroy A
Destroy A
Destroy A
Destroy A

Live demo