文件打开dotnet核心2.1 System.IO.IOException

时间:2019-05-29 08:28:57

标签: c# .net-core dot

当我尝试打开文件时,我正在创建一个dotnet core 2.1项目,但出现此错误System.IO.IOException,因为它在netcoreapp2.1下查找该文件

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
       string path = "C:\user\name\desktop\file.txt";
       FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);


   System.IO.IOException: The syntax of the file name, directory or volume is incorrect C:\Users\name\source\repos\app\app\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\‪C:\user\name\Desktop\file.txt

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因为不转义斜线,所以FileStream假定路径是相对于当前文件夹的。 使用文字字符串或转义路径。

string path = @"C:\user\name\desktop\file.txt"; // Note the @ that denotes a literal string.
FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);