
时间:2019-05-29 02:15:56

标签: c# oop model-view-controller controller n-tier-architecture



问题:这个设计不好吗?专门使用此模型(如服务)来返回其自身的列表(即GetAllCars()返回List )或它的任何其他方面?



    public class CarsController : Controller
        private readonly CarModel _carModel;

        public CarsController(CarModel carModel)
            _carModel = carModel;

        public ActionResult GetCars()
            List<CarViewModel> carViewModels = new List<CarViewModel>();
            carViewModels = _carModel.GetAllCars(); //some type of mapping would happen here
            return View(carViewModels);

        public ActionResult GetCar(int id)
            CarViewModel carViewModel = new CarViewModel();
            carViewModel = _carModel.GetCarById(id);//mapping to carViewModel here.
            return View(carViewModel);

    public class CarModel
        private readonly IDataRepo _dataRepo;

        public int Make { get; set; }
        public int Model { get; set; }
        public int Color { get; set; }

        public CarModel(IDataRepo dataRepo)
            _dataRepo = dataRepo;

        public CarModel()


        public List<CarModel> GetAllCars()
            List<CarModel> carModels = new List<CarModel>();
            carModels = _dataRepo.Car.ToList(); //some type of mapping would happen here
            return carModels;

        public void GetCarById(int id)
            this = _dataRepo.GetById(id); //some type of mapping would happen here

    public class CarViewModel
        public int Make { get; set; }
        public int Model { get; set; }
        public int Color { get; set; }

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