free(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)
import argparse
import point_cloud_utils as pcu
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from fml.nn import SinkhornLoss
import common
def main():
# x is a tensor of shape [n, 3] containing the positions of the vertices that
x = torch._C.from_numpy(common.loadpointcloud("sphere.txt"))
# t is a tensor of shape [n, 3] containing a set of nicely distributed samples in the unit cube
v, f = common.unit_cube()
t = torch._C.sample_mesh_lloyd(pcu.lloyd(v,f,x.shape[0]).astype(np.float32)) # sample randomly a point cloud (cube for now?)
# The model is a simple fully connected network mapping a 3D parameter point to 3D
phi = common.MLP(in_dim=3, out_dim=3)
# Eps is 1/lambda and max_iters is the maximum number of Sinkhorn iterations to do
emd_loss_fun = SinkhornLoss(eps=1e-3, max_iters=20,
stop_thresh=1e-3, return_transport_matrix=True)
mse_loss_fun = torch.nn.MSELoss()
# Adam optimizer at first
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(phi.parameters(), lr= 10e-3)
fit_start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(100):
# Do the forward pass of the neural net, evaluating the function at the parametric points
y = phi(t)
# Compute the Sinkhorn divergence between the reconstruction*(using the francis library) and the target
# NOTE: The Sinkhorn function expects a batch of b point sets (i.e. tensors of shape [b, n, 3])
# since we only have 1, we unsqueeze so x and y have dimension [1, n, 3]
with torch.no_grad():
_, P = emd_loss_fun(phi(t).unsqueeze(0), x.unsqueeze(0))
# Project the transport matrix onto the space of permutation matrices and compute the L-2 loss
# between the permuted points
loss = mse_loss_fun(y[P.squeeze().max(0)[1], :], x)
# loss = mse_loss_fun(P.squeeze() @ y, x) # Use the transport matrix directly
# Take an optimizer step
print("Epoch %d, loss = %f" % (epoch, loss.item()))
fit_end_time = time.time()
print("Total time = %f" % (fit_end_time - fit_start_time))
# Plot the ground truth, reconstructed points, and a mesh representing the fitted function, phi
if __name__ == "__main__":
错误消息是: free():无效的指针 中止(核心已弃用)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
给以后的读者的注意:此错误已归档为issue #21018。
是C函数,当不再需要动态分配的内存时,它将释放该内存。您不能(轻松)从Python调用它,因为内存管理是Python解释器通常处理的低级实现细节。但是,您还将使用用C ++和C编写的PyTorch,它确实具有直接分配和释放内存的功能。
在这种情况下,某些C代码试图释放一个内存块,但是它最初试图释放的内存块并未动态分配,这是一个错误。您应该report this behavior to the PyTorch developers。包括尽可能多的细节,包括可以找到重现问题的最短代码,以及该程序的完整输出。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
同时导入open3d和PyTorch存在一个已知问题。原因未知。 https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/19739