
时间:2019-05-28 16:17:44

标签: rust

在阅读rust文档时,我偶然发现this code使用while循环(带有索引)来迭代数组a

fn main() {
    let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let mut index = 0;

    while index < 5 {
        println!("the value is: {}", a[index]);

        index += 1;






fn main() {
    let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for element in a.iter() {
        println!("the value is: {}", element);

我似乎无法解决这个问题。 Rust编译器有某种行为吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




每次编写# Modules # import seaborn, pandas, matplotlib from six import StringIO ################################################################################ def amount_to_offets(amount): """A function that takes an amount of overlapping points (e.g. 3) and returns a list of offsets (jittered) coordinates for each of the points. It follows the logic that two points are displayed side by side: 2 -> * * Three points are organized in a triangle 3 -> * * * Four points are sorted into a square, and so on. 4 -> * * * * """ assert isinstance(amount, int) solutions = { 1: [( 0.0, 0.0)], 2: [(-0.5, 0.0), ( 0.5, 0.0)], 3: [(-0.5, -0.5), ( 0.0, 0.5), ( 0.5, -0.5)], 4: [(-0.5, -0.5), ( 0.5, 0.5), ( 0.5, -0.5), (-0.5, 0.5)], } return solutions[amount] ################################################################################ class JitterDotplot(object): def __init__(self, data, x_col='time', y_col='sex', z_col='tip'): self.data = data self.x_col = x_col self.y_col = y_col self.z_col = z_col def plot(self, **kwargs): # Load data # self.df = self.data.copy() # Assign numerical values to the categorical data # # So that ['Dinner', 'Lunch'] becomes [0, 1] etc. # self.x_values = self.df[self.x_col].unique() self.y_values = self.df[self.y_col].unique() self.x_mapping = dict(zip(self.x_values, range(len(self.x_values)))) self.y_mapping = dict(zip(self.y_values, range(len(self.y_values)))) self.df = self.df.replace({self.x_col: self.x_mapping, self.y_col: self.y_mapping}) # Offset points that are overlapping in the same location # # So that (2.0, 3.0) becomes (2.05, 2.95) for instance # cols = [self.x_col, self.y_col] scaling_factor = 0.05 for values, df_view in self.df.groupby(cols): offsets = amount_to_offets(len(df_view)) offsets = pandas.DataFrame(offsets, index=df_view.index, columns=cols) offsets *= scaling_factor self.df.loc[offsets.index, cols] += offsets # Plot a standard scatter plot # g = seaborn.scatterplot(x=self.x_col, y=self.y_col, size=self.z_col, data=self.df, **kwargs) # Force integer ticks on the x and y axes # locator = matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True) g.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) g.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator) g.grid(False) # Expand the axis limits for x and y # margin = 0.4 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = g.get_xlim() + g.get_ylim() g.set_xlim(xmin-margin, xmax+margin) g.set_ylim(ymin-margin, ymax+margin) # Replace ticks with the original categorical names # g.set_xticklabels([''] + list(self.x_mapping.keys())) g.set_yticklabels([''] + list(self.y_mapping.keys())) # Return for display in notebooks for instance # return g ################################################################################ # Graph # graph = JitterDotplot(data=df) axes = graph.plot() axes.figure.savefig('jitter_dotplot.png') 时,标准库都会执行以下操作:




if some_index < some_slice.len() {
} else {
    panic!("Hey, stop that");


切片的while some_index < limit { if some_index < some_slice.len() { some_slice.get_the_value_without_checks(some_index) } else { panic!("Hey, stop that"); } some_index += 1; } 的实现利用Iterator代码来提高效率,但以更复杂的代码为代价。迭代器包含指向数据的原始指针,但要确保您永远不会滥用它们以导致内存不安全。不需要在每个步骤都执行该条件,迭代器解决方案通常经常更快 1 。差不多等于:



1 -作为Matthieu M. points out


应注意,在while some_index < limit { some_slice.get_the_value_without_checks(some_index) some_index += 1; } 情况下,优化器可能(也可能无法)删除边界检查。如果成功,则性能是等​​效的。如果失败,您的代码突然变慢。在微基准测试中,使用简单的代码,更改是否会成功……但是,这可能不会带到您的生产代码中,或者可能会立即生效,并且循环体中的下一个更改将阻止优化,等等。 ,while循环可能是性能的炸弹。
