如何将统一工作的应用程序部署到HoloLens 1?

时间:2019-05-27 15:32:46

标签: unity3d hololens mrtk

我遵循了一些在线指南,内容涉及如何使用MRTk2构建统一应用程序,并看到了哪些bug可以忽略,但是在构建解决方案后,我无法将其部署到HoloLens 1。


  • II2Cpp后端并具有
  • 安装了SDK 10.0.18632.30
  • 将最低SDK设置为10.0.10240.0
  • 将SDK定位为最新安装的


当我在Visual Studio 2017上打开解决方案并尝试部署(release,x86)时,出现以下错误:


    错误MSB3073命令““ D:\ Project \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly%20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ Il2CppOutputProject \ IL2CPP \ build \ il2cpp.exe” --libil2cpp-static --compile-cpp -architecture = x86 -configuration = Release -platform = winrt -outputpath =“ D:\ Project \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly%20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ build \ bin \ Win32 \ Release \ GameAssembly.dll”- -data-folder =“ D:\ Project \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly%20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ build \ bin \ Win32 \ Release \” -cachedirectory =“ D:\ Project \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly %20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ build \ obj \ il2cppOutputProject \ Win32 \ Release \“ -generatedcppdir =” D:\ Project \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly%20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ Il2CppOutputProject \ Source “ --additional-defines = WINDOWS_UWP --additional-defines = UNITY_UWP --additional-defines = UNITY_WSA_10_0 --additional-defines = UNITY_WSA --additional-defines = UNITY_WINRT --additional-defines = PLATFORM_WINRT -dotnetose = unit -map-file-parser =“ D:\ Pr oject \ Virtual%20Guided%20Assembly%20V3 \ Code_VGA.v3b \ Builds \ WSAPlayer \ Il2CppOutputProject \ IL2CPP \ MapFileParser \ MapFileParser.exe“”以代码3退出。


    错误MSB4018“ GetOutOfDateItems”任务意外失败。

Here is a picture of my environment for a better understanding of my problem

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

经过多次试验,我决定将项目移至新位置,并且能够构建并部署到HoloLens。 显然,问题是由项目路径上的编码空间“%”引起的,删除该错误使我可以成功构建和部署应用程序!
