
时间:2019-05-27 11:41:38

标签: python selenium web-scraping import-csv


from selenium import webdriver
import csv
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:\Users\user\PycharmProjects\seleniumTest\drivers\chromedriver.exe')
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
import sys
from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

import csv

from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

import itertools
from pprint import pformat

def apply_values(dropdowns, values):
    :param dropdowns: list of select DropDown
    :param values: list of values to set
    :return: dict with key=dropdownName, value=dropDownValue
    r = {}
    for value in values:
        # For each value, get the associated DropDown and set it
        for dropdown in dropdowns:
            if value in dropdown.values:
                    r[dropdown.name] = value
                except NoSuchElementException:
                    # print("Unable to set the following values {}..Skipping".format(values))
                    # This is caused by an option not being available with other selected dropdown values
                    # You can also check the attribute disabled for this
                    return False
    return r

els = browser.find_elements_by_css_selector(".msku-sel")
selects = []
for el in els:
    # Adding the dropdown name to the select object
    name = el.get_attribute('name')
    select = Select(el)
    select.name = name

print("Get all options for each dropdown")
for idx, sel in enumerate(selects):
    sel.values = [option.text for option in sel.options][1:]

print("Get all possible permutations")
permutations = list(itertools.product(*[sel.values for sel in selects]))

# Iteration for all possible permutation
print("Select all possible permutation and get price for each")
results = []
for permutation in permutations:
    # Resetting all parameter to default
    for sel in selects:
    # Iteration to set each dropdown
    result = apply_values(selects, permutation)
    if result:
        # Once all dropdown value are set, get the finally price
        result['Price'] = browser.find_element_by_id("prcIsum").text

with open('results222.csv', 'w') as f:
    f.write("dropdown1Name,dropdown1Option,dropdown2Name,dropdown2Option,dropdown3Name,dropdown3Option,dropdown4Name,dropdown4Option,dropdown5Name,dropdown5Option,dropdown6Name,dropdown6Option \n")
    f.write(",  \n")
    f.write(",  \n")




{u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
 u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
 u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
 'Price': u'\xa3224.99',
 u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},  



[{u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3195.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3194.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'256GB [out of stock]'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'256GB [out of stock]'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'256GB [out of stock]'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3204.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3225.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Black',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3224.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3195.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3194.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3204.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3225.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3224.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3179.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3195.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3194.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'32GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade B - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3204.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A+ - Excellent',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3225.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'},
 {u'Color': u'Rose Gold',
  u'Condition': u'Grade A - Very Good',
  u'Network': u'GSM Unlocked',
  'Price': u'\xa3224.99',
  u'Storage Capacity': u'128GB'}]

以下格式的帮助将不胜感激     (例如)dropdown1name dropdown1option等     url1(电话)颜色黑色     url2(T恤)尺寸较小

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