
时间:2019-05-24 23:54:01

标签: java


错误说:线程“ AWT-EventQueue-0”中的异常java.lang.ClassCastException:个块。皇后不能转换成多个块。国王     在Chess.Board.endangersKing(Board.java:474)     在Chess.Board.mouseClicked(Board.java:348)



公共类委员会扩展了JFrame实现的MouseListener {     / **      *存储板的当前状态      * /     私人ChessSquare [] [] boardState;

 * White Rook 1
private Castle wr01; 

 * White Rook 2
private Castle wr02;

 * Black Rook 1
private Castle br01;

 * Black Rook 2
private Castle br02;

 * White Knight 1
private Horse wk01;

 * White Knight 2
private Horse wk02;

 * Black Knight 1
private Horse bk01;

 * Black Knight 2
private Horse bk02;

 * White Bishop 1
private Bishop wb01; 

 * White Bishop 2
private Bishop wb02;

 * Black Bishop 1
private Bishop bb01;

 * Black Bishop 2
private Bishop bb02;

 * White Queen
private Queen wq;

 * Black Queen
private Queen bq;

 * White King
private King wk;

 * Black King
private King bk;

 * White Pawns
private Pawn wp[] = new Pawn[8]; 

 * Black Pawns
private Pawn bp[] = new Pawn[8];

 * Indicates it is white's turn
private static final String WHITE_MOVE = "WHITE";

 * Indicates it is black's turn
private static final String BLACK_MOVE = "BLACK";

 * Stores the current turn as a string
static String move = WHITE_MOVE;

 * White player object
private Player whitePlayer = null;

 * Black player object
private Player blackPlayer = null;

 * graphic container for board
private JPanel board;

 * graphic container for option menu
private JPanel optionPanel;

 * temporary square used in initialization
private ChessSquare cs;

 * temporary square used in game
private ChessSquare c;

 * placeholder for first cell clicked - piece must not be null
private ChessSquare previous;

 * Stores players turn as int
private int chance;

 * list of possible destinations of selected piece
private ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinList;

 * true if game has ended
private boolean end;

 * used to indicate winning player
private Player winner;

 * window for win message
private static JFrame winFrame;

 * container for win message components
private static JPanel winPanel;

 * win message
private static JTextField winText;

 * button restarts the game
private static JButton restartButton;

 * button exits the application
private static JButton quitButton;

 * menu for restarting the application
private static Menu m;

 * initializes board and pieces
 * @param whitePlayer selected white player to play game
 * @param blackPlayer selected black player to play game
public Board(Player whitePlayer, Player blackPlayer) {

    if(whitePlayer == null) whitePlayer = new Player("GuestWhitePlayer"); 
    if(blackPlayer == null) blackPlayer = new Player("GuestBlackPlayer");

    chance = Piece.COLOR_WHITE;

    end = false;//true if game has ended

    destinList = new ArrayList<>();

    wr01 = new Castle("WR01", "whiteRook.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE); 
    wr02 = new Castle("WR02", "whiteRook.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE);
    br01 = new Castle("BR01", "blackRook.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK); 
    br02 = new Castle("BR02", "blackRook.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);

    wk01 = new Horse("WK01", "whiteKnight.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE);
    wk02 = new Horse("WK02", "whiteKnight.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE);
    bk01 = new Horse("BK01", "blackKnight.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);
    bk02 = new Horse("BK02", "blackKnight.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);

    wb01 = new Bishop("WB01", "whiteBishop.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE); 
    wb02 = new Bishop("WB02", "whiteBishop.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE); 
    bb01 = new Bishop("BB01", "blackBishop.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK); 
    bb02 = new Bishop("BB02", "blackBishop.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);

    wq = new Queen("WQ", "whiteQueen.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE); 
    bq = new Queen("BQ", "blackQueen.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);

    wk = new King("WK", "whiteKing.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE, 7, 3);
    bk = new King("BK", "blackKing.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK, 0, 3);

    for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
        wp[i] = new Pawn(("WP0" + (i + 1)), "whitePawn.png", Piece.COLOR_WHITE);
        bp[i] = new Pawn(("BP0" + (i + 1)), "blackPawn.png", Piece.COLOR_BLACK);

    board = new JPanel(new GridLayout(8, 8));

    optionPanel = new JPanel();

    boardState = new ChessSquare[8][8];

    this.whitePlayer = whitePlayer;
    this.blackPlayer = blackPlayer;

    Piece P;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
        for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) {  
            P = null;
            if(i == 0 && j == 0)       P = br01;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 7)  P = br02;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 0)  P = wr01;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 7)  P = wr02;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 1)  P = bk01;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 6)  P = bk02;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 1)  P = wk01;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 6)  P = wk02;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 2)  P = bb01;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 5)  P = bb02;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 2)  P = wb01;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 5)  P = wb02;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 3)  P = bq;
            else if(i == 0 && j == 4)  P = bk;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 3)  P = wq;
            else if(i == 7 && j == 4)  P = wk;
            else if(i == 1)            P = bp[j];
            else if(i == 6)            P = wp[j];

            cs = new ChessSquare(i, j, P);
            boardState[i][j] = cs;

    setSize(1200, 825);
    board.setBounds(0, 0, 800, 800);
    optionPanel.setBounds(800, 0, 400, 825);


 * reveals the game board and allows the game to be played
public void play() {
    //System.out.println("Piece at 0, 0 is ... " + boardState[0][0].getPiece().getPath());//just for testing

 * retrieves the king of the designated color
 * @param color color of the king to be returned
 * @return the king of {@code color} 
public King getKing(int color) {
    if (color == Piece.COLOR_WHITE) return wk;
    return bk;

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    c = (ChessSquare) e.getSource();
    if (previous == null) {//if this is the first piece we are selecting . . . 
        if(c.getPiece() != null) {
            if(c.getPiece().getColor() != chance) return;
            previous = c;
            destinList = c.getPiece().move(boardState, c.x, c.y);
            if(c.getPiece() instanceof King) destinList = destinaionFilter(destinList, c);
            else {
                if(boardState[getKing(chance).getX()][getKing(chance).getY()].isCheck()) destinList = new ArrayList<ChessSquare>(destinaionFilter(destinList,c));
                else if(destinList.isEmpty() == false && endangersKing(c, destinList.get(0))) destinList.clear();
    } else {//if we have already selected a piecee and are now selecting a destination
        if(c.x == previous.x && c.y == previous.y) {//deselect if the same cell was clicked
            previous = null;
        } else if(c.getPiece() == null || ( (c.getPiece() != null) && (previous.getPiece().getColor() != c.getPiece().getColor()))) {//null pointer?
            if(c.isPossibleDestination()) {
                if(c.getPiece() != null) c.removePiece();
                if (previous.isCheck()) previous.removeCheck();
                if(getKing(chance^1).threatExists(boardState)) {
                    if (checkmate(getKing(chance^1).getColor())) {
                        if(previous.getPiece() != null) previous.removePiece();
                if(getKing(chance).threatExists(boardState) == false) boardState[getKing(chance).getX()][getKing(chance).getY()].removeCheck();
                if(c.getPiece() instanceof King) {
                if(!end) {
                    //restart timer
            if(previous != null) {
                previous = null;
        } else if(previous.getPiece().getColor() == c.getPiece().getColor()) {
            previous = c;
            destinList = c.getPiece().move(boardState, c.x, c.y);
            if(c.getPiece() instanceof King)
                destinList = destinaionFilter(destinList, c);
            else {
                if(boardState[getKing(chance).getX()][getKing(chance).getY()].isCheck()) destinList = new ArrayList<ChessSquare>(destinaionFilter(destinList,c));
                else if(destinList.isEmpty()==false && endangersKing(c,destinList.get(0))) destinList.clear();
    if(c.getPiece() != null && c.getPiece() instanceof King) {

 * Alternate turn between players
public void changeChance() {
    if (boardState[getKing(chance).getX()][getKing(chance).getY()].isCheck()) {
        chance ^= 1;
    if(destinList.isEmpty() == false) clearDestinations(destinList);
    if(previous != null) previous.deselect();
    previous = null;
    chance ^= 1;
    if(!end /*&& timer != null*/){
        //reset timer
        if(Board.move == Board.WHITE_MOVE) Board.move = Board.BLACK_MOVE;
        else Board.move = Board.WHITE_MOVE;

 * filters out moves that would put the king in danger
 * @param destinList list of possible destinations
 * @param fromSquare square from which move will be made
 * @return new list of destinations with those that harm the king out
private ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinaionFilter (ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinList, ChessSquare fromSquare) {
    ArrayList<ChessSquare> newList = new ArrayList<ChessSquare>();
    ChessSquare newBoardState[][] = new ChessSquare[8][8];
    ListIterator<ChessSquare> it = destinList.listIterator();
    int x,y;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) { try { newBoardState[i][j] = new ChessSquare(boardState[i][j]);} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){e.printStackTrace();}}
        ChessSquare temp = it.next();
        if(newBoardState[temp.x][temp.y].getPiece() != null) newBoardState[temp.x][temp.y].removePiece();
        x = getKing(chance).getX();
        y = getKing(chance).getY();
        if(newBoardState[fromSquare.x][fromSquare.y].getPiece() instanceof King) {
            x = temp.x;
            y = temp.y;
        if ((((King)(newBoardState[x][y].getPiece())).threatExists(newBoardState) == false)) newList.add(temp);
    return newList;

 * determines if moving the piece on {@code fromSquare} to {@code toSquare} will harm the king
 * @param fromSquare initial  square
 * @param toSquare square to which the king will be moved
 * @return true if the move will put the king in danger, false otherwise
private boolean endangersKing(ChessSquare fromSquare, ChessSquare toSquare) {
    ChessSquare[][] newBoardState = new ChessSquare[8][8];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 8; j++) { try { newBoardState[i][j] = new ChessSquare(boardState[i][j]);} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Cloning Error"); }}
    if(newBoardState[toSquare.x][toSquare.y].getPiece() instanceof King) {
    if (((King)(newBoardState[getKing(chance).getX()][getKing(chance).getY()].getPiece())).threatExists(newBoardState) == true) return true;
    else return false;

 * removes all possible destinations from the list
 * @param destinList list to reset destinations of
private void clearDestinations(ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinList) {
    ListIterator<ChessSquare> it = destinList.listIterator();
    while(it.hasNext()) it.next().setImpossibleDestination();

 * highlights possible destinations in list
 * @param destinList list of possible destinations
private void highlightdestinations(ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinList) {
    ListIterator<ChessSquare> it = destinList.listIterator();
    while(it.hasNext()) it.next().setPossibleDestination();

 * filters out destinations that would cause self-check
 * @param destinList list of destinations
 * @param fromSquare square from which move made
 * @param color color of mover
 * @return filtered list
private ArrayList<ChessSquare> incheckfilter (ArrayList<ChessSquare> destinList, ChessSquare fromSquare, int color) {
    ArrayList<ChessSquare> newList = new ArrayList<>();
    ChessSquare[][] newBoardState = new ChessSquare[8][8];
    ListIterator<ChessSquare> it = destinList.listIterator();
    int x,y;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        for(int i=0;i<8;i++) for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { try { newBoardState[i][j] = new ChessSquare(boardState[i][j]);} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){e.printStackTrace();}}
        ChessSquare tempc = it.next();
        if(newBoardState[tempc.x][tempc.y].getPiece() != null) newBoardState[tempc.x][tempc.y].removePiece();
        x = getKing(color).getX();
        y = getKing(color).getY();
        if(newBoardState[tempc.x][tempc.y].getPiece() instanceof King) {
            x = tempc.x;
            y = tempc.y;
        if ((newBoardState[x][y].getPiece() instanceof King) && (((King)(newBoardState[x][y].getPiece())).threatExists(newBoardState) == false)) newList.add(tempc);
    return newList;

 * determines if chceckmate has happened
 * @param color to check if they are in check
 * @return true if {@code color} is in check, false otherwise
public boolean checkmate(int color) {
    ArrayList<ChessSquare> dlist = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
        for(int j=0;j<8;j++) {
            if (boardState[i][j].getPiece() != null && boardState[i][j].getPiece().getColor() == color) {
                dlist = boardState[i][j].getPiece().move(boardState, i, j);
                dlist = incheckfilter(dlist,boardState[i][j],color);
                if(dlist.size() != 0) return false;
    return true;

 * run when game is terminated
private void gameEnd() {
    String winMsg = "The ";
    if(previous != null) previous.removePiece();
    if(chance == Piece.COLOR_WHITE) {   
        //update white player stats, set winner
        winner = whitePlayer;
        winMsg += "White Player Won!";
    } else {
        //update black player stats, set winner
        winner = blackPlayer;
        winMsg += "Black Player Won!";
    end = true;
    //show winner
    winMsg += ("\nCongrats " + winner.getUsername());
    //dispose this
    //System.out.println("SOmeone won");

 * reveals vistory window
public static void revealWinWindow() { winFrame.setVisible(true); }

 * hides victory window
public static void killWinWindow() { winFrame.dispose(); }

 * initializes victory window with message {@code msg}
 * @param msg message for victory window
private static void initWinWindow(String msg) {
    winFrame = new JFrame();
    winPanel = new JPanel();
    winFrame.setBounds(500, 500, 300, 250);
    winText = new JTextField();
    m = new Menu();
    restartButton = new JButton("Restart");
    quitButton = new JButton("Quit");
    restartButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    quitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } });

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}


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