
时间:2019-05-24 11:55:11

标签: c++


// My   预期的输出在代码中

Equation F(x) = 2 + x^2 * 0.2
  Min.: -1
  Max.: 1
Interpolation Points: 20

Index x   y = 2+x^2*0.2
*1    -1.0    2.20
2 -0.9    2.16
3 -0.8    2.13
4 -0.7    2.10
5 -0.6    2.07
6 -0.5    2.05
7 -0.4    2.03
8 -0.3    2.02
9 -0.2    2.01
10    -0.1    2.00
11    0   2.00
12    0.1 2.00
13    0.2 2.01
14    0.3 2.02
15    0.4 2.03
16    0.5 2.05
17    0.6 2.07
18    0.7 2.10
19    0.8 2.13
20    0.9 2.16
21    1.0 2.20*
            #include <iostream>
            #include <string>
            #include <cmath>
            #include <cstdlib>
            #include <Windows.h>
            using namespace std;

            HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

            // Assure the char is validated as a value or an expression
    bool isValue(const char& c, bool countOpeningBracket, bool countClosingBracket)
        if (countOpeningBracket && countClosingBracket)
            return c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '0' || c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == 'x';
        else if (countOpeningBracket)
            return c == '(' || c == '0' || c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == 'x';
        else if (countClosingBracket)
            return c == ')' || c == '0' || c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == 'x';
            return c == '0' || c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == 'x';

    // Assure the character on the right side is a value or an expression
    bool rightSideValidation(const string& str, const int& position)
        return isValue(str[position + 1], true, false);

    // Assure the character on the left side is a value or an expression
    bool leftSideValidation(const string & str, const int& position)
        return isValue(str[position - 1], false, true);

    // Assure the character is a unary operator
    bool isUnaryOperator(const string & str, const int& position)
        // it is '-' unary operator 
        if (str[position] == '-')
            // if the operator is not the first in the array
            if (position > 0)
                // if the previous character is not a number
                if (!leftSideValidation(str, position))
                    // this is unary operator e.g. 4*-6
                    return true;
                // this is unary operator e.g. -6+2*8
                return true;

        // this is not a unary operator e.g. "4-6"
        return false;

    // Assure the character is a valid unary operator
    bool UnaryOperatorValidation(string & str, const int& position)
        // there is a unary operator followed by a character
        if (str.length() >= (position + 2))
            // unary operator follwed by a number or an expression
            if (rightSideValidation(str, position))
                // valid unary operator
                return true;

        // invalid unary operator
        return false;

    // Assure the character is a binary operator
    bool isBinaryOperator(const string & str, const int& position)
        // the character is a binary operator
        if (str[position] == '-' || str[position] == '^' || str[position] == '/' || str[position] == '*' || str[position] == '+')
            return true;

        // the character is NOT a binary operator
        return false;

    // Assure the character is a valid unary operator
    bool BinaryOperatorValidation(string & str, const int& position)
        // binary operator is between two other characters
        if (position > 0 && position < (str.length() - 1))
            // the left side and the right side of the binary operator are numbers, expressions or both
            if (rightSideValidation(str, position) && leftSideValidation(str, position))
                // valid binary operator. these are the four possibilities e.g. "5+6", ")+2", "7+(" or ")+(" 
                return true;

        // invalid binary operator
        return false;

    // Add opening and closing parentheses
    void AddParentheses(string & EquationText)
        EquationText.insert(EquationText.begin(), 1, '(');
        EquationText.insert(EquationText.end(), 1, ')');

    // Remove a specific character from a string
    void AbsoluteValueReplacement(string & str, const int& position)
        str.erase(position, 1);

    // Assure the parentheses are valid in the equation
    bool ParanthesesValidation(string & EquationText)
        int count = 0;

        // Going through the EquationText to find a '(' && ')'
        for (int i = 0; i < EquationText.length(); i++)
            // an open parentheses has been found. an expression have been started
            if (EquationText[i] == '(')

            // a closing parentheses has been found. an expression have been ended
            else if (EquationText[i] == ')')
                if (count == 0) // invalid parentheses. an expression can't start with a closing parentheses
                    return false;
                else // an expression have been ended

        if (count == 0)
            return true; // valid parantheses if every parentheses is closed properly
            return false; // invalid parantheses if every parentheses is closed properly

    // Assure equation is valid
    bool EquationValidation(string EquationText)
        // Assure the validation of paranthesses where it is part of validating the equation
        if (!ParanthesesValidation(EquationText))
            return false;

        // Go through EquationText to find the unary operators
        for (int i = 0; i < EquationText.length(); i++)
            if (isUnaryOperator(EquationText, i)) // a unary operator was found
                if (UnaryOperatorValidation(EquationText, i)) // the unary operator is valid
                    AbsoluteValueReplacement(EquationText, i); // remove the unary operator to ease the binary operators validation process
                    return false; // invalid unary operator was found, so it is an invalid equation

        // Go through EquationText to find the binary operators
        for (int i = 0; i < EquationText.length(); i++)
            if (isBinaryOperator(EquationText, i)) // binary operator was found in the equation
                if (!BinaryOperatorValidation(EquationText, i)) // the binary operator is invalid
                    return false; // invalid binary operator was found, so it is an invalid equation

        // valid equation
        return  true;

    // Remove spaces from the equation
    string  SpaceRemoval(string & EquationText)
        string NewEquationText = "";

        // check every character
        for (int i = 0; i < EquationText.length(); i++)
            if (EquationText[i] != ' ') // if the character was not a ' ' then add it to the NewEquationText
                NewEquationText += EquationText[i];

        // return the NewEquationText
        return NewEquationText;

    // Calculate Incremental Value
    float CalculateIncrementalValue(float MinRange, float MaxRange, float InterpoliteanPoints)
        return abs(MinRange - MaxRange) / InterpoliteanPoints;

    // count the numbers and dot characters that is connected to each others and in the begining of the string
    // e.g. "235*654+65" the length is 3 by counting "235"
    int NumberLength(const string & str)
        // check all characters in the string
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
            // if a character that is not equal to 0-9 or '.' was found, return the counter. 
            if (!(str[i] >= 48 && str[i] <= 57) && !(str[i] == '.'))
                return i;

        // return the full length of the given string
        return str.length();

    // Calculate expression by returning value
    double CalculateExpression(string expr)
        // Remove extra spaces in the expression
        string xxx = SpaceRemoval(expr);

        // calculate the expression that is in-between the parentheses
        string tok = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < xxx.length(); i++)
            if (xxx[i] == '(') // Parentheses was found
                int iter = 1;
                string token = "";

                // get the expression that is in-between the parentheses
                while (true)
                    if (xxx[i] == '(')
                    else if (xxx[i] == ')')
                        if (iter == 0)
                    token += xxx[i];

                // calculate the expression that is in-between the parentheses and return the value
                tok += to_string(CalculateExpression(token));

                // remove '--'. e.g. -(-1) => --1 => 1
                for (int i = 0; i < tok.length() - 1; i++)
                    if (tok[i] == '-' && tok[i + 1] == '-')
                        tok.erase(i, 2);
            tok += xxx[i];

        // Calculate the addition and the subtracion 
        for (int i = 0; i < tok.length(); i++)
            if (tok[i] == '+')
                // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their summation
                return CalculateExpression(tok.substr(0, i)) + CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, tok.length() - i - 1));
            else if (tok[i] == '-')
                if (i == 0) // it a unary operator '-'
                    int numberLength = NumberLength(tok.substr(1, tok.length() - 1));

                    // there is only value after the unary operator '-' e.g. "-26"
                    if ((numberLength == (tok.length() - 1)) || (tok[tok.length() - 1] == '\0' && numberLength == (tok.length() - 2)))
                        return -CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength));
                    else // there are value and expressions after the unary operator '-' e.g. "-26*8+2" "-26+8" "-26-2" "-26/2" "-8*2" "-8^4"
                        int startingPosition = i + 2 + numberLength;

                        if (tok[i + 1 + numberLength] == '+')
                            // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their summation
                            return -CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength)) +
                                CalculateExpression(tok.substr(startingPosition, tok.length() - startingPosition));
                        else if (tok[i + 1 + numberLength] == '-')
                            // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their subtraction
                            return -CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength)) -
                                CalculateExpression(tok.substr(startingPosition, tok.length() - startingPosition));
                        else if (tok[i + 1 + numberLength] == '*')
                            // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their multiplication
                            return -CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength)) *
                                CalculateExpression(tok.substr(startingPosition, tok.length() - startingPosition));
                        else if (tok[i + 1 + numberLength] == '/')
                            //  calculate the left expressions by returning its division by the right expression
                            return -CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength)) /
                                CalculateExpression(tok.substr(startingPosition, tok.length() - startingPosition));
                        else if (tok[i + 1 + numberLength] == '^')
                            // calculate the left expression by returning its power from the right expression
                            return pow(-CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, numberLength)),
                                CalculateExpression(tok.substr(startingPosition, tok.length() - startingPosition)));

                // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their subtraction
                return CalculateExpression(tok.substr(0, i)) - CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, tok.length() - i - 1));

        // Calculate the power, multiplication and the division
        for (int i = 0; i < tok.length(); i++)
            if (tok[i] == '^')
                // calculate the left expression by returning its power from the right expression 
                return pow(CalculateExpression(tok.substr(0, i)), CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, tok.length() - i - 1)));
            else if (tok[i] == '*')
                // calculate the expressions on the right and the left by returning their multiplication
                return CalculateExpression(tok.substr(0, i))* CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, tok.length() - i - 1));
            else if (tok[i] == '/')
                //  calculate the left expressions by returning its division by the right expression
                return CalculateExpression(tok.substr(0, i)) / CalculateExpression(tok.substr(i + 1, tok.length() - i - 1));

        // Return the value
        return stod(tok.c_str());

    // Calculate equation
    double CalculateEquation(string equationText, float substitutionValue)
        // Check every character
        for (int i = 0; i < equationText.length(); i++)
            if (equationText[i] == 'x') // the variable 'x' was found, substitute the variable 'x'
                // remove 'x' from the equation
                equationText.erase(i, 1);

                // insert the value of 'x' in the equation 
                equationText.insert(i, to_string(substitutionValue));

        // Return the calculated expression
        return CalculateExpression(equationText);

            /// ---------------------- Equation Results Table ----------------------
            string GetEquationResultsTable(string equationText, float MinRange, float MaxRange, int InterpeolationPoints)
                string equationTable = "";
                float x = MinRange;
                float IncrementalValue = CalculateIncrementalValue(MinRange, MaxRange, InterpeolationPoints);

                equationTable += "INDEX\tx\t\ty = " + equationText + "\n";
                equationTable += "--------------------------------------\n";

                for (int i = 0; i <= InterpeolationPoints; i++)
                    x = MinRange + i * IncrementalValue;

                    equationTable += to_string(i + 1) + "\t" + to_string(x) + "\t" + to_string(CalculateEquation(equationText, x)) + "\n";

                return equationTable;

            void PrintEquationResultsTable(string equationText, float MinRange, float MaxRange, int InterpeolationPoints)
                cout << GetEquationResultsTable(equationText, MinRange, MaxRange, InterpeolationPoints);

            /// ---------------------- Graph ----------------------

            // change the size of the console font
            void fontsize(int a, int b)
                PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX lpConsoleCurrentFontEx = new CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX();
                lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
                GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(out, 0, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);
                lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->dwFontSize.X = a;
                lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->dwFontSize.Y = b;
                SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(out, 0, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);
            void ClearLayer(bool EquationDrawing[])
                for (int x = 0; x >= sizeX - 1; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < sizeY - 1; y++)
                        EquationDrawing[y][x] = false;
            void DrawGraph(string equationText, float MinRange, float MaxRange, float InterpeolationPoints)



            // here is my source

            #include "Header.h"
            using namespace std;

            //Global variables
            string EquationText = "";

            float MinRange;
            float MaxRange;
            int InterpoliteanPoints = 2;

            const int EquationTableDateSizeX = 2;
            const int EquationTableDateSizeY = 200;
            float EquationTableDate[EquationTableDateSizeX][EquationTableDateSizeY] = { 0 };

            string EquationTable = "";

            const int sizeX = 201;
            const int sizeY = 201;

            string EquationGraph = "";

          int main()
    // Get Equation
    while (true)
        if (GetEquation(EquationText))
            // Get Range
            GetRange(MinRange, MaxRange);
            cout << endl;

            // Get Interpolitean Points

            // Print Equation Results Table
            PrintEquationResultsTable(EquationText, MinRange, MaxRange, InterpoliteanPoints);

            // DrawGraph(EquationText, MinRange, MaxRange, InterpoliteanPoints);
            cout << "invalid equation\n\n";

    return 0;



方程F(x)= 4 = 6 /(x)   (4 = 6 /(x))








    INDEX x x y =(4 = 6 /(x))


1 0.000000 inf
    2 0.000000 inf
    3 0.000000 inf

0 个答案:
