
时间:2019-05-23 18:36:19

标签: java java.util.scanner caesar-cipher




程序必须通过args []运行。


 * args [0] = the startFile path.

 * that shall be already existed and no need to make it.

 * args[1] = the endFile path.

 * args[2] =the shift key as an int between 0 and 25

 * we cant use try/catch so I did use the throws IOException

 * the program must read the data from the startFile 

 * then encrypt it

 * the program shall make the output file and write the encrypted data in it.

 * then the program shall end.
 * the program shall work properly with big text files and I have no idea what does he mean with that!. but obviously, my code does not. 


  • args [0] = start.txt //本地路径

  • args [1] = end.txt //本地路径

  • args [3] = 2 //将字母移动一个



  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz




  • 文件已存在。

  • 现在程序将从起始文件中读取数据!

  • 数据已被扫描!

  • 现在程序将加密起始文件中的数据!

  • 数据已成功加密

  • 现在程序将把加密的数据写入输出文件中!

  • 数据已写入!

  • 完成!







  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • 吃午餐
  • 喝茶





    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 

            String data;//transfer the scanned data to the encrypt method

            String encodeData;//transfer the encoded data to the write method

            int shift;

            System.out.println("enter a start path for the input file and the output file!");
            //first arg for the path where the data can be scanned and be encrypted later on
            String inPath=args[0];
            //second arg for the path of the output txt in which the data will be encrypted
            String outPath =args[1];

            //to make the output file

            System.out.println("now the program will read the data from the start file!");

            //just to scan the start txt in which the text shall be encrypted later on. 

            System.out.println("the data has been scaned!");
            System.out.println("now the program will encrypt the data in the start file!");

            //third arg is for the shift rate 
            shift= Integer.parseInt(args[2]);

            //the scanned data will be encrypted

            System.out.println("the data has been succesfully encrypted");
            System.out.println("now the program will write the encrypted data in the output file!");

            //to write the encrypted data in the endfile/outPath.
            dateiSchreiben(outPath, encodeData);
            System.out.println("the data has been written!");

         * @param Path in which the outputfile will be created.
         * @return path
         * @throws IOException
        public static String makefile (String Path) throws IOException{
            //to creat the file in the desired path
            File inFile= new File (Path);
            //to check if the file exists or not.
            if (inFile.createNewFile())
                System.out.println("File is created!");
            }else {
                System.out.println("File already exists.");
            return Path;

         * @param path in which the scanned data will be written.
         * @param fileContent the data will be written here after being scanned and encrypted.
         * @return fileContent 
         * @throws IOException
        public static String dateiSchreiben (String path, String fileContent) throws IOException{
            //i used BufferWriter to write in the endFile/outPath  
            BufferedWriter fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(path));
            //the file content will be taken from the encodedata string
            //i was told to use flush then close but the pro told its no neccesery in this case.
            //relax i dont wanna dive through this now im still noob and right now im focusing on the homework

            return fileContent;

         * @param path to scan the startfile/inPath.txt 
         * @return path
         * @throws IOException
        public static String scanFile (String path) throws IOException{
            String content="";
            File inFile= new File (Path);
            Scanner in=new Scanner (inFile);    //the scanner will get to the given path and scan 
            //to iterate for each line in the file
            while (in.hasNextLine()){
                content +=(in.nextLine()+ System.lineSeparator());
            //close the scanner when finished
            return content;
         * @param text the scanned data in the txt from the in path.
         * @param shift int to tell how much does teh user want to shift the letters./encode key!.
         * @return
        public static String encrypt (String text, int shift){

            //string in which all the encoded data will land and will be givin back through return to the main.
            String encryptOut=""; 

            char letter;

            //just to avoid the magic numbers and the one letters chars...
            //the prof want us to do so pffffff.
            char buchZ='Z',buchz='z',buchA='A',bucha='a';
            int one = 1;

            //To iterate for each letter as single char!.
            for (int i = 0; i < text.length() ; i++) {


                //if the letter is capital letter!.
                if (letter <= buchZ && letter >= buchA) {

                    letter = (char) (letter + shift);
                     * by encode we may have overflow with the letter 'Z' and 'z'
                     * 'Z'=90 'A'=65 so the number after one shift is 91=[ and we have overflow 
                     * so we need to substract 25 and then do -1
                     * mathmatically its letter=(letter-('Z'-'A')-1)
                     * but this can also be written like letter=(letter-'Z'+'A'-1)
                    if (letter > buchZ) {

                        letter = (char) (letter - buchZ + buchA - one );


                    //so if the letter in the capital letters range put in the string. if not procced to else if.!
                    encryptOut += letter;

                //if the letters are small letters.
                }else if (letter <= buchz && letter >= bucha) {

                    letter = (char) (letter + shift);

                    if (letter > buchz) {

                        letter = (char) (letter - buchz + bucha - one );


                    //so if small letters put in the string otherwise procced to else..
                    encryptOut += letter;

                //space and signs shall not be encrypted! :)
                }else {
                    encryptOut += letter; 

            return encryptOut;



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