
时间:2019-05-23 11:41:32

标签: c# reflection


interface Foo {
    void Bar();
    void Bar(string str);
    int Bar(int i);
    IEnumerable<string> Bar1();
    void Bar1(string str);
    void Bar1(int i);


void DoStuff(MethodInfo method){
     //basically in pseudo code
     if(method is Foo.Bar(string)){


   && method.Name == nameof(Foo.Bar) 
   && method.GetParameters().Length == 1
   && method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(string))



bool IsIn(this MethodInfo self, IEnumerable<??> methods){
     //again, pseudo code
     return methods.Any(m => m is self);


bool b = methodInfo.IsIn(new [] {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    public static bool Is<T>(this MethodInfo self, Expression<Action<T>> selector, bool strict = false)
        var body = (selector.Body as MethodCallExpression);
        if (body == null) return false;
        var methodName = body.Method.Name;
        if (self.Name != methodName) return false;
        if (strict && self.ReflectedType != body.Method.ReflectedType) return false;
        var parameterInfos = body.Method.GetParameters();
        var parameterCount = parameterInfos.Length;
        var parameters = self.GetParameters();
        if (parameters.Length != parameterCount) return false;
        return !parameters.Where((t, i) =>
            t.ParameterType != parameterInfos[i].ParameterType).Any();


   public class IsTests
    public void IsTheBarMethodWithOneIntParameterFromInterface()
        var method = typeof(IFoo).GetMethod(nameof(IFoo.Bar), new []{typeof(int)});

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(int)))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(int)), strict: true)
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

    public void IsTheBarMethodWithOneIntParameterFromImplementingClass()
        var method = typeof(Foo).GetMethod(nameof(Foo.Bar), new[] { typeof(int) });

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(int)))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(int)), strict: true)
            .Should().BeFalse("In strict mode the reference of the interface can not be used to identify the concrete implementation.");

    public void IsNotTheBarMethodWithOneStringParameter()
        var method = typeof(Foo).GetMethod(nameof(Foo.Bar), new[] { typeof(int) });

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(string)))
            .Should().BeFalse("This is not the method I intended");

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default(string)), strict:true)
            .Should().BeFalse("This is not the method I intended");

    public void IsTheBarMethodWithAnInterfaceParameter()
        var method = typeof(Foo).GetMethod(nameof(Foo.Bar), new[] { typeof(IFoo) });

        method.Is<Foo>(m => m.Bar(default(IFoo)))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<Foo>(m => m.Bar(default(IFoo)), strict:true)
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

    public void IsTheOnlyMethodWithTwoParamters()
        var method = typeof(Foo).GetMethod(nameof(Foo.Bar), new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });

        method.Is<Foo>(m => m.Bar(default, default))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<Foo>(m => m.Bar(default, default), strict: true)
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default, default))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<IFoo>(m => m.Bar(default, default), strict: true)
            .Should().BeFalse("In strict mode a interface reference can not be used on a concrete method");

    public void IsTheMethodThatHasUnreachableOverloads()
        //the next line would give a AmbiguousMatchException at run time 
        //var method = typeof(Quux).GetMethod(nameof(Qux<int>.Bar), new[] {typeof(int), typeof(int) });

        //so, I used some helper function I found on 
        var method = MethodInfoExtension.GetMethodInfo(() => new Quux().Bar(1, 1));

        method.Is<Qux<int>>(m => m.Bar(default, default))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

    public void IsTheMethodThatHasUnreachableOverloads_2()
        var method = MethodInfoExtension.GetMethodInfo(() => new Quux().Bar(1, 1));

        //on could also specify a instance directly instead of default(type),
        method.Is<Qux<int>>(m => m.Bar(0, 0))
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

    public void IsTheMethodFromTheSpecificInterface()
        var method = MethodInfoExtension.GetMethodInfo(() => (new Corge() as Grault).DoStuff());

        method.Is<Grault>(m => m.DoStuff(), strict: true)
            .Should().BeTrue("This is the method I intended");

        method.Is<Garply>(m => m.DoStuff(), strict: true)
            .Should().BeFalse("It is not the method I intended");

public static class MethodInfoExtension
    public static bool Is<T>(this MethodInfo self, Expression<Action<T>> selector, bool strict = false)
        var body = (selector.Body as MethodCallExpression);
        if (body == null) return false;
        var methodName = body.Method.Name;
        if (self.Name != methodName) return false;
        if (strict && self.ReflectedType != body.Method.ReflectedType) return false;
        var parameterInfos = body.Method.GetParameters();
        var parameterCount = parameterInfos.Length;
        var parameters = self.GetParameters();
        if (parameters.Length != parameterCount) return false;
        return !parameters.Where((t, i) =>
            t.ParameterType != parameterInfos[i].ParameterType).Any();

    public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(Expression<Action> expression)
        return GetMethodInfo((LambdaExpression)expression);

    #region GetMethodInfo
    //Helper methods found on //http://blog.functionalfun.net/2009/10/getting-methodinfo-of-generic-method.html
    public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression)
        return GetMethodInfo((LambdaExpression)expression);

    public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression)
        return GetMethodInfo((LambdaExpression)expression);

    public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(LambdaExpression expression)
        MethodCallExpression outermostExpression = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;

        if (outermostExpression == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Expression. Expression should consist of a Method call only.");

        return outermostExpression.Method;

interface IFoo
    void Bar();
    void Bar(string str);
    int Bar(int i);
    void Bar(int i1, int i2);
    void Bar(IFoo foo);
    IEnumerable<string> Bar1();
    void Bar1(string str);
    void Bar1(int i);

class Foo : IFoo
    public void Bar() { }
    public void Bar(string str) { }
    public int Bar(int i) => default;
    public void Bar(int i1, int i2) { }
    public void Bar(IFoo foo) { }
    public IEnumerable<string> Bar1() => default;
    public void Bar1(string str) { }
    public void Bar1(int i) { }

class Qux<T> 
    public void Bar(int x, T y) { }
    public void Bar(T x, int y) { }
    public void Bar(int x, int y) { }

class Quux : Qux<int>

interface Grault
    void DoStuff();

interface Garply
    void DoStuff();

class Corge : Grault, Garply
    void Grault.DoStuff() { }
    void Garply.DoStuff() { }