Jquery ajax调用在Rails中已经呈现的部分内部无效

时间:2011-04-11 20:22:15

标签: jquery ruby-on-rails ajax

我在Jquery + Rails中使用了很棒的Nicolas Alpi指令,其中我的application.js是:

  'beforeSend': function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript")}

function _ajax_request(url, data, callback, type, method) {
    if (jQuery.isFunction(data)) {
        callback = data;
        data = {};
    return jQuery.ajax({
        type: method,
        url: url,
        data: data,
        success: callback,
        dataType: type

    put: function(url, data, callback, type) {
        return _ajax_request(url, data, callback, type, 'PUT');
    delete_: function(url, data, callback, type) {
        return _ajax_request(url, data, callback, type, 'DELETE');

Submit a form with Ajax
Use the class ajaxForm in your form declaration
<% form_for @comment,:html => {:class => "ajaxForm"} do |f| -%>
jQuery.fn.submitWithAjax = function() {
  this.unbind('submit', false);
  this.submit(function() {
    $.post(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, "script");
    return false;

  return this;

Retreive a page with get
Use the class get in your link declaration
<%= link_to 'My link', my_path(),:class => "get" %>
jQuery.fn.getWithAjax = function() {
  this.unbind('click', false);
  this.click(function() {
    $.get($(this).attr("href"), $(this).serialize(), null, "script");
    return false;
  return this;

Post data via html
Use the class post in your link declaration
<%= link_to 'My link', my_new_path(),:class => "post" %>
jQuery.fn.postWithAjax = function() {
  this.unbind('click', false);
  this.click(function() {
    $.post($(this).attr("href"), $(this).serialize(), null, "script");
    return false;
  return this;

Update/Put data via html
Use the class put in your link declaration
<%= link_to 'My link', my_update_path(data),:class => "put",:method => :put %>
jQuery.fn.putWithAjax = function() {
  this.unbind('click', false);
  this.click(function() {
    $.put($(this).attr("href"), $(this).serialize(), null, "script");
    return false;
  return this;

Delete data
Use the class delete in your link declaration
<%= link_to 'My link', my_destroy_path(data),:class => "delete",:method => :delete %>
jQuery.fn.deleteWithAjax = function() {
  this.unbind('click', false);
  this.click(function() {
    $.delete_($(this).attr("href"), $(this).serialize(), null, "script");
    return false;
  return this;

Ajaxify all the links on the page.
This function is called when the page is loaded. You'll probaly need to call it again when you write render new datas that need to be ajaxyfied.'
function ajaxLinks(){

$(document).ready(function() {
// All non-GET requests will add the authenticity token
 $(document).ajaxSend(function(event, request, settings) {
       if (typeof(window.AUTH_TOKEN) == "undefined") return;
       // IE6 fix for http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3155
       if (settings.type == 'GET' || settings.type == 'get') return;

       settings.data = settings.data || "";
       settings.data += (settings.data ? "&" : "") + "authenticity_token=" + encodeURIComponent(window.AUTH_TOKEN);



 def followship
    @task = Task.find(params[:id])

    respond_to do |format|
        # some logic
        format.js {render :content_type => 'text/javascript' }


<% if @new_follower %>
  $("#followers_list").append("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'new_follower', :object => @new_follower, :locals => {:task => @task}) %>");
  $("#_user_id option[value='<%= @new_follower.id.to_s %>']").remove();
  $("#follower_<%= @new_follower.id.to_s %>").delay(500).effect("highlight", {}, 2000);
<% else %>
   $("#follower_<%= @id_to_remove %>").fadeOut("slow");
<% end %>
<% flash.discard %>

_new_follower.erb partial:

<li id='follower_<%= @new_follower.id.to_s %>'>
  <%= @new_follower.name %>
  <%= link_to "[x]", {:controller => "tasks", :action => "followship", :id => @task, :user_id => @new_follower.id, :to_do => "exclude"}, :class => "get" if @new_follower == current_user %>




如果我重新加载页面并且在不使用部分的情况下渲染新的关注者,一切都会正常。 fadeOut有效。

请帮忙。提前致谢。 顺便说一句:Rails 2.3.8

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