
时间:2019-05-22 03:48:45

标签: bash shell unix


输入: '{path}/**/*.pdf'.format(path=path1) like: glob.glob('{path}/**/*.pdf'.format(path=path),recursive=True) 输出:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class TestClass {

private int value;
private int lowestValue;
TestClass() {
    //default constructor
TestClass(int value) {
    this.value = value;
TestClass(int value, int lowestValue) {
    this.value = value;
    this.lowestValue = lowestValue;

public int getValue() {
    return value;

public void setValue(int value) {
    this.value = value;

public int getLowestValue() {
    return lowestValue;

public void setLowestValue(int lowestValue) {
    this.lowestValue = lowestValue;

public void printTestClass() {
    System.out.println("For this item, value = " + this.getValue() + " and lowestValue = " + this.getLowestValue());

public static void main(String args[]) {

    ArrayList < TestClass > al = new ArrayList < TestClass > ();
    int temp = 0;
    int[] intArray = new int[] {
    //create list
    for (int c: intArray) {
        TestClass tc = new TestClass(c);
    int nextIndexToSet = 0; //where we set lowest value
    boolean firstValueInThisRun = true; //nothing to compare to preceding it

    // process
    for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) {
        if (firstValueInThisRun) {
            temp = al.get(i).getValue();
            firstValueInThisRun = false;
            continue; //because we could not possibly have an increment yet
        //still here, check for an increment
        if (temp >= al.get(i).getValue()) {
            temp = al.get(i).getValue(); //set to the new lower value, or to itself
            continue; //because no increment found so nothing more to do yet
        //still here, then there was an increment
        for (int j = nextIndexToSet; j < i; j++) {
            TestClass tc = new TestClass(al.get(j).getValue(), temp);
            al.set(j, tc);
            System.out.println("j = " + j + " i = " + i);
        nextIndexToSet = i;
        firstValueInThisRun = true;

    } //closes outer for
    //check if anything still unset
    if (nextIndexToSet < al.size()) {
        for (int j = nextIndexToSet; j < al.size(); j++) {
            TestClass tc = new TestClass(al.get(j).getValue(), al.get(al.size() - 1).getValue());
            al.set(j, tc);
    //print the array list to make sure
    Iterator < TestClass > al_Iter = al.iterator();
    System.out.println("Elements in array list are : ");
    while (al_Iter.hasNext()) {


sh remove file2 file4

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  • 请正确缩进。
  • for i in $*应该是for i in "$@"或简单地是for i
  • 通常,变量应用引号引起来 (例如"$1""$i""$filename""$verbose"等)
  • $[expression]已过时。 使用$((expression))
  • 您的主循环调用

    delete_file $filename

    (第100行)。 您的delete_file功能集


    (第35行), 这有点多余,因此令人困惑。

  • 您设置了baseline,但从未使用过。 您无需设置即可测试(即reference)$basefule。 这些是相同的变量吗?
  • 代码说

    if [ ! -f ~/project ]
        echo "cannot remove $filename: no such file or directory"

    这是 非常 误导性消息。

  • 您有一条大话说“ M A I N”, 但是“主要”代码大约提前33行开始。
  • 代码确实
    for i in $*
    filename=$i                             # This is an example of terrible indenting.
             delete_file $filename
    delete_file $*
    因此您要处理两次文件。 因此,即使delete_file首次调用成功, 再次调用该文件时,该文件将消失。
  • 而且,如果您要调用函数(例如delete_file) 加上脚本的所有参数, 您应该使用"$@"而不是$*
  • 而且 ,如果您要使用文件名列表调用delete_file, 那么delete_file需要迭代(循环)这些参数。 您的delete_file函数仅查看$1