我尝试了Java拆分/子字符串操作。但是代码行很高。使用正则表达式如何获取'atomic_fetch_add_explicit( &primeCount, localTally, memory_order_relaxed );
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10
答案 0 :(得分:3)
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
final String regex = "(.+?)([0-9]+)\\s\\[m.+";
final String string = "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes\n"
+ "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e\n"
+ "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10 \n";
final String subst = "\\2";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
final String result = matcher.replaceAll(subst);
System.out.println("Substitution result: " + result);
const regex = /(.+?)([0-9]+)\s\[m.+/gm;
const str = `2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10
const subst = `$2`;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
console.log('Substitution result: ', result);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10
String input = "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes\n" +
"2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e\n" +
"2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10 ";
List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(?<=[0-9]{6}-[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\.)[0-9]+")
while (m.find()) {
[951792, 951895, 951934]
答案 2 :(得分:1)
<form method='POST' action='' class="col s6" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {% csrf_token %}
<!-- 4 different basic 4 approaches here -->
<!-- {{form}} /// Radio buttons don't display and can't tell which is selected -->
<!-- {{form.as_p}} /// Radio buttons don't display and can't tell which is selected -->
<!-- {{form.as_table}} /// Radio buttons don't display and can't tell which is selected -->
<!-- {{form.as_ul}} /// Radio buttons don't display and can't tell which is selected -->
<!-- Slightly altered version I found on the Django Documentation -->
<!-- ////This is selectable, but doesn't push to the model -->
<div class="fieldWrapper">
{{ form.month.errors }}
{% for month, monthb in form.fields.month.choices %}
<input name="group1" type="radio" />
<span> {{month}} </span>
{% endfor %}
<!-- /// Alternate approach to one above. Can't select the radio buttons, but each displays on screen as a radio button -->
{% for a, b in form.fields.month.choices %}
<input type="radio" name="phone" id="id_month">
{% endfor %}
<!-- /// I noticed that when I do it this way, if the label starts and ends next to itself, then it won't dispaly all 12 months as a radio button. -->
<div class="fieldWrapper">
{{ form.month.errors.as_text }}
<!-- ///// Also did this not using the as_text, but that had not change in affect -->
{% for month, monthb in form.fields.month.choices %}
<input value='month' type="radio" />
<span> {{month}} </span>
{% endfor %}
<div class="div right-align">
<button class="btn waves-effect waves-light" type="submit" name="action" value='Save'>Submit</button>