
时间:2019-05-21 08:20:48

标签: python openstreetmap networkx osmnx


    import osmnx as ox
    address_name='19, Molstraat, Van Leeuwenhoekkwartier, Delft, South      Holland, Netherlands, 2611EM, Netherlands'

    graph=ox.graph_from_address(address_name, distance=300)

    ec = ['skyblue' if data['highway']=='footway' 
      else 'paleturquoise' if data['highway']=='residential' 
      else 'orange' if data['highway']=='cycleway' 
      else 'sienna' if data['highway']=='service' 
      else 'lightgreen' if data['highway']=='living street' 
      else 'grey' if data['highway']=='secondary'
      else 'lightskyblue' if data['highway']=='pedestrian'
      else 'black' for u, v, key, data in graph.edges(keys=True, data=True)]

    #this works, but is static
    ox.plot_graph(graph,fig_height=8,fig_width=8,node_size=0, edge_color=ec)

    #this does not work 
    import folium 
    ox.plot.plot_graph_folium(graph, popup_attribute='highway',edge_color=ec)

    #this works, but is one color only 
    import folium 


1 个答案:

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是的,您可以使用 OSMnx 创建带有按类型着色的边缘的交互式 Leaflet 网络地图。

OSMnx plot_graph_folium 函数可以接受一个边 color 参数作为关键字参数(参见 the docs),它只是传递给 folium.PolyLine(参见 {{3} })。根据folium here,folium 反过来只是将关键字参数传递给Leaflet。请参阅传单文档 docs。因此,OSMnx(截至当前版本,v1.0.1)没有内置方法来创建每个边缘都具有自己的颜色的 Leaftlet web 地图。但是,您可以使用 OSMnx 创建一个带有按类型(即它们的 highway 值)着色的边缘的交互式 Leaflet 网络地图,使用如下代码:

import osmnx as ox
address = '19, Molstraat, Van Leeuwenhoekkwartier, Delft'
G = ox.graph_from_address(address, dist=300)

# define the colors to use for different edge types
hwy_colors = {'footway': 'skyblue',
              'residential': 'paleturquoise',
              'cycleway': 'orange',
              'service': 'sienna',
              'living street': 'lightgreen',
              'secondary': 'grey',
              'pedestrian': 'lightskyblue'}

# return edge IDs that do not match passed list of hwys
def find_edges(G, hwys):
    edges = []
    for u, v, k, data in G.edges(keys=True, data='highway'):
        check1 = isinstance(data, str) and data not in hwys
        check2 = isinstance(data, list) and all([d not in hwys for d in data])
        if check1 or check2:
            edges.append((u, v, k))
    return set(edges)

# first plot all edges that do not appear in hwy_colors's types
G_tmp = G.copy()
G_tmp.remove_edges_from(G.edges - find_edges(G, hwy_colors.keys()))
m = ox.plot_graph_folium(G_tmp, popup_attribute='highway', weight=5, color='black')

# then plot each edge type in hwy_colors one at a time
for hwy, color in hwy_colors.items():
    G_tmp = G.copy()
    G_tmp.remove_edges_from(find_edges(G_tmp, [hwy]))
    if G_tmp.edges:
        m = ox.plot_graph_folium(G_tmp,


请注意,此解决方案可以处理简化和未简化的 OSMnx 边(简化边可以有多个 highway 值)。每次在 types:colors 字典中找到其边缘类型之一时,它都会绘制边缘。您可以通过使用未简化的图形(有关详细信息,请参阅 OSMnx 文档)使其更加精确。