
时间:2019-05-21 08:08:07

标签: python numpy fft

我有一个尺寸为queens(N, Rows) :- NDiag is 2*N-1, functor(Rows, array, N), % create the "arrays" functor(Ups, array, NDiag), functor(Downs, array, NDiag), place_queen(1, N, Rows, Ups, Downs). place_queen(C, N, Rows, Ups, Downs) :- ( C>N -> true ; between(1, N, R), arg(R, Rows, C), % place column C queen in row R U is C-R+N, arg(U, Ups, C), % ... and up-diagonal C-R+N D is C+R-1, arg(D, Downs, C), % ... and down-diagonal C+R-1 C1 is C+1, place_queen(C1, N, Rows, Ups, Downs) ). 的数据数组,正在执行2D FFT((ntime,nlon))。


ntime, nlon = temp_data.shape freq = np.fft.fftfreq(ntime) wavenumber = np.fft.fftfreq(nlon) ft = np.fft.fft2(temp_data) wavenumber是正值和负值。但是,关于freq的排列顺序的文档很少。

Q1。 ftfreqwavenumber输出中如何排列?


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