我已经在MATLAB中编写了一些代码,该代码使用设置的阈值将(恒星)图像转换为灰度图像,然后转换为二进制图像,然后标记高于此阈值的每个像素(恒星)簇。标签产生输出: 例如
[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 0
0 0 0 3 3 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0]
因此1、2、3等的每个簇代表一个星星。此后,代码将找到每个像素簇的质心,并在每个质心周围(以质心为中心)绘制一个具有8 x 8像素面积的边界框。边界框限制是通过找到每个计算出的质心的xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin来确定的,这涉及从每个质心的x和y坐标相加或减去4(像素)。
x_coordinate_centroid = sum(x_coordinate。* pixel_values)/ sum_pixel_values y_coordinate_centroid = sum(y_coordinate。* pixel_values)/ sum_pixel_values
x / y_coordinate和像素值用于每个边界框中包含的像素。
边界框将在灰度图像上围绕8 x 8像素区域(具有给定强度),例如:
[100 100 100 90 20 20 0 0
80 90 100 90 20 30 0 0
50 70 100 70 30 0 20 0
50 0 0 60 30 30 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0]
%% Calculate centroids of each labelled pixel cluster within binary image
N = max(B(:)); % total number of pixel labels generated in output array
sum_total = zeros(N,1); % create N x 1 array of 0's
sum_yv = zeros(N,1); % "
sum_xv = zeros(N,1); % "
for xx=1:size(B,2) % search through y positions
for yy=1:size(B,1) % search through x positions
index = B(yy,xx);
if index>0
sum_total(index) = sum_total(index) + 1;
sum_yv(index) = sum_yv(index) + yy;
sum_xv(index) = sum_xv(index) + xx;
centroids = [sum_xv, sum_yv] ./ sum_total; % calculates centroids for each cluster
x_lower_limits = centroids(:,1)-4;
y_lower_limits = centroids(:,2)+4; % lower on image means larger y coord number
x_upper_limits = centroids(:,1)+4;
y_upper_limits = centroids(:,2)-4; % higher on image means lower y coord number
x_lower_limits(x_lower_limits<1)=1; % limit smallest x coord to image axis (1,y)
y_lower_limits(y_lower_limits>size(binary_image,1))=size(binary_image,1); % limit largest y coord to image axis (x,517)
x_upper_limits(x_upper_limits>size(binary_image,2))=size(binary_image,2); % limit largest x coord to image axis (508,y)
y_upper_limits(y_upper_limits<1)=1; % limit smallest y coord to image axis (x,1)
width = x_upper_limits(:,1) - x_lower_limits(:,1); % width of bounding box
height = y_lower_limits(:,1) - y_upper_limits(:,1); % height of bounding box
hold on
for xl=1:size(x_lower_limits,1)
r(xl)=rectangle('Position',[x_lower_limits(xl,1) y_upper_limits(xl,1) width(xl,1) height(xl,1)],'EdgeColor','r');
for i=1:size(centroids,1)
hold off