在Debian 9上安装期间phpMyAdmin错误1064(42000)

时间:2019-05-19 19:11:43

标签: mysql nginx phpmyadmin debian debian-stretch

我正在设置一个新服务器,并想安装phpMyAdmin来管理我的MySQL数据库。我正在使用Debian 9和Nginx进行VPS。 当我尝试安装phpMyAdmin(并使用“ dbconfig-common”进行配置)(使用sudo apt install phpmyadmin)时,出现此错误:

An error occurred while installing the database: 

 │ mysql said: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL     
 │ syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version      
 │ for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY                             
 │ 'mypassword' at line 1 . Your options are:               
 │  * abort - Causes the operation to fail; you will need to downgrade,        
 │    reinstall, reconfigure this package, or otherwise manually intervene     
 │    to continue using it. This will usually also impact your ability to      
 │    install other packages until the installation failure is resolved.       
 │  * retry - Prompts once more with all the configuration questions           
 │    (including ones you may have missed due to the debconf priority          
 │    setting) and makes another attempt at performing the operation.          
 │  * retry (skip questions) - Immediately attempts the operation again,       
 │                                  <Ok>                               

我看着phpmyadmin error 1064 (42000) during installation,尝试了一下,但没有为我工作。


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