
时间:2019-05-19 15:20:34

标签: haskell

我必须使函数成为邻居:: [(((String,String),Int)]->字符串-> [(String,Int)]


neighbours pairs@((x1,x2):xs) inputWord
 | pairs == [] = []
 | fst x1 == inputWord = ((snd x1), x2) : (neighbours xs inputWord)
 | snd x1 == inputWord = ((fst x1), x2) : (neighbours xs inputWord)
 | otherwise = (neighbours xs inputWord)



我尝试将pairs == [] = []替换为xs == [] = []


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


neighbours pairs@((x1,x2):xs) inputWord

因此,这意味着它仅适用于非空列表。实际上,给定模式((x1, x2):xs)会“触发”,并与列表的第一个元素(x1, x2)xs的其余元素与“ cons”匹配。

检查pair == []将永远不会成功,因为该模式已经意味着它永远不能为空列表。

我们可以为空列表模式添加一个子句,例如作为要匹配的第一个模式。此外,我们可以通过对非空列表使用(((x11, x12), x2):xs)模式来提高代码的可读性。然后,我们不需要使用fstsnd,而是可以直接使用x11x12

neighbours :: Eq a => [((a, a), b)] -> a -> [(a, b)]
neighbours [] _ = []
neighbours pairs@(((x11, x12),x2):xs) inputWord
    | inputWord == x11 = (x11, x2) : tl
    | inputWord == x12 = (x12, x2) : tl
    | otherwise = tl
    where tl = neighbours xs inputWord


Prelude> neighbours [(('a', 'b'), 1), (('b', 'a'), 2), (('b', 'b'), 3), (('a', 'a'), 4)] 'a'


答案 1 :(得分:1)


-- You can use other, more descriptive names instead.
type Foo = ((String, String), Int)
type Bar = (String, Int)

-- If it seems odd that I'm using [Bar] instead of Maybe Bar, see below
myLookup :: String -> Foo -> [Bar]
myLookup s ((s1, s2), i) | s == s1 = [(s2, i)]
                         | s == s2 = [(s1, i)]
                         | otherwise = []

neighbors :: [Foo] -> String -> [Bar]
neighbors [] _ = []
neighbors (x:xs) inputWord = case myLookup inputWord x of
                               []  ->     neighbors xs inputWord
                               [y] -> y : neighbors xs inputWord

使用concatMap(可以简单地将其串联起来)进一步简化 将myLookup inputWord应用于输入的每个元素的结果。

neighbors :: [Foo] -> String -> [Bar]
neighbors xs inputWord = concatMap (myLookup inputWord) xs

牢记这一模式,我们可以通过使用Maybe Bar中的myLookup而不是mapMaybe来为Data.Maybe使用更严格的concatMap返回类型。

import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

type Foo = ((String, String), Int)
type Bar = (String, Int)

myLookup :: String -> Foo -> Maybe Bar
myLookup s ((s1, s2), i) | s == s1 = Just (s2, i)
                         | s == s2 = Just (s1, i)
                         | otherwise = Nothing

neighbors :: [Foo] -> String -> [Bar]
neighbors xs inputWord = mapMaybe (myLookup inputWord) xs