javascript: module calls a function in the file that requires the module

时间:2019-05-19 04:12:57

标签: javascript node-modules

My first time writing a js library. The library is intended to execute, at specific times, functions in the file that required the library. Kind of like Angular executes user implemented hooks such as $onInit, except that, in my case, user can define an arbitrary number of functions to be called by my library. How can I implement that?

One way I have in mind is to define a registerFunction(name, function) method, which maps function names to implementations. But can user just give me an array of names and I automatically register the corresponding functions for them?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



// my-module.js
module.exports = function callMyFunctions( functionList ) {
    functionList.forEach( fn => fn() )
// main application

const myFunc1 = () => console.log('Function 1 executing')
const myFunc2 = () => console.log('Function 2 executing')

const moduleThatInvokesMyFunctions = require('./my-module.js')

// instruct the module to invoke my 2 cool functions
moduleThatInvokesMyFunctions([ myFunc1, myFunc2 ])
//> Function 1 executing
//> Function 2 executing

看到调用者提供了对该模块的直接函数引用,然后该模块使用该模块,而无需关心甚至不知道这些函数被调用了什么。 (是的,您可以通过检查函数引用来获取它们的名称,但是为什么要麻烦呢?)

如果您想要更深入的答案或解释,这将有助于您进一步了解您的情况。您的库针对的环境是:浏览器? nodejs?电子?反应本机?




const lifecycleManager = require('./your-module.js')

lifecycleManager.on( 'boot', myBootHandler )
lifecycleManager.on( 'config-available', myConfigHandler )
// etc.


const orchestrateJobs = require('./your-module.js')

    'boot': myBootHandler,
    'config-available': myConfigHandler



// my-module.js
module.exports = function callMyFunctions( functionList ) {
    functionList.forEach( fn => fn.apply( thisValue, arrayOfArguments ) )

请注意,此模块仍然不知道调用方为这些功能分配的名称。在此范围内,每个例程都带有绰号“ fn”。



// caller

const AlarmClock = require('./your-module.js')

function doRoosterCall( exactTime ) {
    console.log('I am a rooster! Cock-a-doodle-doo!')

function soundCarHorn( exactTime ) {
    console.log('Honk! Honk!')

AlarmClock.on('sunrise', doRoosterCall)
AlarmClock.on('leave-for-work', soundCarHorn)
// etc


// your-module.js

const EventEmitter = require('events')

const singletonClock = new EventEmitter()

function checkForEvents() {
    const currentTime = new Date()

    // check for sunrise, which we'll define as 6:00am +/- 10 seconds
    if(nowIs('6:00am', 10 * 1000)) {
        singletonClock.emit('sunrise', currentTime)

    // check for "leave-for-work": 8:30am +/- 1 minute
    if(nowIs('8:30am', 60 * 1000)) {
        singletonClock.emit('leave-for-work', currentTime)

setInterval( checkForEvents, 1000 )

module.exports = singletonClock
