var http = require('http'),
url = require('url'),
mysql = require('mysql');
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "GODROCKS",
database: "mysite"
// require the ger objects
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
var query = url.parse(request.url,true).query;
var g = require('../ger')
// Create an Event Store Manager (ESM) that stores events and provides functions to query them
var esm = new g.MemESM()
// Initialize GER with the esm
var ger = new g.GER(esm);
.then( function() {
con.connect(function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
con.query("SELECT * FROM recommend", function (err, result, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
return ger.events(result);
.then( function() {
// What things might alice like?
return results_ = ger.recommendations_for_person('movies', query.name, {actions: {likes: 1}});
.then(function(results_) {
return recommendations = results_.recommendations;
//var results = results_[reccomendations.m ap(({ thing }) => thing)];
.then(function (recommendations) {
var recclist=[];
recommendations.forEach(function(element) {
return recclist;
.then( function(recommendations) {
response.end("\nRecommendations For 'alice'");
console.log('mysite server running ok');
如果(err)抛出err; ^错误:已经无法加入握手 排队握手。在Protocol._validateEnqueue (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ mysql \ lib \ protocol \ Protocol.js:221:16) 在Protocol._enqueue (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ mysql \ lib \ protocol \ Protocol.js:138:13) 在Protocol.handshake (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ mysql \ lib \ protocol \ Protocol.js:51:23) 在Connection.connect (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ mysql \ lib \ Connection.js:119:18) 在c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ examples \ recc_.js:30:7在 tryCatcher (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ util.js:24:31) 在Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ promise.js:454:31) 在Promise._settlePromiseAt (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ promise.js:530:18) 在Promise._settlePromiseAtPostResolution (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ promise.js:224:10) 在Async._drainQueue (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ async.js:182:12) 在Async._drainQueues (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ async.js:187:10) 在Instant.Async.drainQueues (c:\ xampp \ htdocs \ mysite \ node_modules \ ger \ node_modules \ bluebird \ js \ main \ async.js:15:14) 在tryOnImmediate(timers.js:676:5)的runCallback(timers.js:705:18)