
时间:2019-05-18 04:27:47

标签: vb.net

在下面的代码中,我获得了唯一的{ "YELLOW":{ "Count":124, "pop":1 }, "BLACK":{ "Count":124, "pop":1 }, "BLUE":{ "Count":124, "pop":1 } } 部件名称,但在workPart这种情况下,还将处理所有重复的部件。即我得到重复的行作为输出。

If density <> 7830640 Then


Dim j As Integer = 0 Dim PartDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) For Each workPart In parts theSession.Parts.SetWork(workPart) j += 1 If Not PartDictionary.ContainsKey(workPart.Name) Then PartDictionary.Add(workPart.Name, j) bodies = GetBodiesInReferenceSet("MODEL") Dim attributeName As String = "Material" Dim attributeInfo As NXObject.AttributeInformation 'lw.WriteLine("Unique part names:" & workPart.Name) ''' Unique component names are printed but in below code, all instances are processed For Each b In bodies ufs.Modl.AskBodyDensity(b.Tag, UFModl.DensityUnits.KilogramsMeters, density) If density = 0 Then If Not theSession.Parts.Work Is Nothing Then lw.WriteLine("change body density from 0 to 1") ufs.Modl.SetBodyDensity(b.Tag, UFModl.DensityUnits.KilogramsMeters, 1.0) End If Else If density <> 7830640 Then ''' http://nxjournaling.com/content/part-attribute If workPart.HasUserAttribute(attributeName, NXObject.AttributeType.String, 0) Then ''' This evaluates to False, why??? attributeInfo = workPart.GetUserAttribute(attributeName, NXObject.AttributeType.String, 0) lw.WriteLine("Part: " & workPart.name & "-> body density: " & density & " kg/m3 | " & attributeInfo.StringValue) Else attributeInfo = workPart.GetUserAttribute(attributeName, NXObject.AttributeType.String, 0) lw.WriteLine("Part: " & workPart.name & "-> body density: " & density & " kg/m3") End if End If End If Next End If Next


Part: wav3_pkg_battery_latch-> body density: 7830.64 kg/m3 Part: wav3_pkg_battery_latch_spring-> body density: 7830.64 kg/m3 Part: wav3_pkg_battery_latch_spring-> body density: 7830.64 kg/m3

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