我尝试启用调试模式“ export ANSIBLE_DEBUG = 1”,发现某些内容在不断循环中不断运行。
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
strategy: free
- include_vars: roles/oracle/vars/install_vars.yaml
- script_name
- set_fact:
ORACLE_HOMES_DIR: "/u01/app/oracle/product"
- name: Copy script to host
src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/{{ script_name }}"
dest: "/tmp/"
owner: "{{ USER_ORACLE }}"
group: "{{ GROUP_ORACLE }}"
mode: 0755
- name: Verify if the DB is open READ WRITE (or) not
become_user: "{{ USER_ORACLE }}"
ORACLE_SID: "{{ sid }}"
shell: "echo \"set pagesize 0\n select trim(open_mode) from v\\$database;\" | {{ORACLE_HOME}}/bin/sqlplus -S / as sysdba"
with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['sid_list'] }}"
loop_var: sid
register: om
- name: Get list of sid that are open in READ WRITE mode
sid_list: "{{ om.results | selectattr('sid','search','1$') | map (attribute='sid') | list }}"
- name: Get the OPEN MODE output of the sid's from the list
om_out: "{{ om.results | selectattr('stdout') | map (attribute='stdout') | list }}"
- name: execute sql script
become_user: "{{ USER_ORACLE }}"
ORACLE_SID: "{{ item.0 }}"
shell: "{{ ORACLE_HOME }}/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba @/tmp/{{ script_name }}"
when: item.1 == 'READ WRITE'
- "{{ sid_list }}"
- "{{ om_out }}"
这是我使用“ export ANSIBLE_DEBUG = 1”启用调试时看到的循环运行的内容:
2804 1558117774.30825: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.30843 [lt2racdb2]: free host state: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.30865 [lt2racdb2]: free host task: TASK: meta (flush_handlers)
2804 1558117774.30880 [lt2racdb2]: this host has work to do
2804 1558117774.30897: lt2racdb2 is blocked, skipping for now
2804 1558117774.31028: next free host: lt1racdb1
2804 1558117774.31045: getting the next task for host lt1racdb1
2804 1558117774.31064: done getting next task for host lt1racdb1
2804 1558117774.31080: ^ task is: None
2804 1558117774.31097: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=5, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_COMPLETE, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31114 [lt1racdb1]: free host state: HOST STATE: block=5, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_COMPLETE, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31131 [lt1racdb1]: free host task: None
2804 1558117774.31147: next free host: lt1racdb2
2804 1558117774.31164: getting the next task for host lt1racdb2
2804 1558117774.31182: done getting next task for host lt1racdb2
2804 1558117774.31201: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers)
2804 1558117774.31218: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31235 [lt1racdb2]: free host state: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31255 [lt1racdb2]: free host task: TASK: meta (flush_handlers)
2804 1558117774.31271 [lt1racdb2]: this host has work to do
2804 1558117774.31287: lt1racdb2 is blocked, skipping for now
2804 1558117774.31303: next free host: lt2racdb1
2804 1558117774.31319: getting the next task for host lt2racdb1
2804 1558117774.31337: done getting next task for host lt2racdb1
2804 1558117774.31354: ^ task is: None
2804 1558117774.31370: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=5, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_COMPLETE, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31389 [lt2racdb1]: free host state: HOST STATE: block=5, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, run_state=ITERATING_COMPLETE, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
2804 1558117774.31406 [lt2racdb1]: free host task: None
2804 1558117774.31422: next free host: lt2racdb2
2804 1558117774.31438: getting the next task for host lt2racdb2
2804 1558117774.31457: done getting next task for host lt2racdb2