我正在寻找一个特定的JSON Java库来处理数组

时间:2019-05-17 12:12:34

标签: arrays json

过去,我已经编写了JSON Java代码,该代码访问了现已失效的Pebble手表的数组,该手表访问了JSON文件。我现在正尝试在Java中为Netbeans中的另一个应用程序重新创建该代码,并想知道它们使用了哪个库,以简化代码设计。


var daily_rain = json.agent.properties.dayRain.values[0].value;

我尝试使用Google的JSON Simple库,但是这种限定无效。我可以读取整个文件,但不能分离出数组,而无需迭代或更复杂的代码。


这是包含该行的Pebble js模块的代码:

function getWeather() {
   var url = "http://www.wticalumni.com/DHK/Wxsnoop/weather.json";

 // Send request to Weather
    xhrRequest(url, 'GET',
    function(responseText) {

  // responseText contains a JSON object with weather info

  var json = JSON.parse(responseText);

  // console.log("ResponseText:" , responseText);

  var time_from_json = json.time;

       console.log("time from json = ", time_from_json);

  //Outside Temp
  var temperature_from_json = json.agent.properties.outdoorTemperature.values[0].value;
  var temperature = RoundString(temperature_from_json);

      console.log("outside temp from json = ", temperature, " rounded to ", temperature);

  //Inside Temp
  var temperature_inside_from_json = json.agent.properties.indoorTemperature.values[0].value;
  var temperature_inside = RoundString(temperature_inside_from_json);

      console.log("inside temp from json = ", temperature_inside_from_json, " rounded to ", temperature_inside);

  //Daily Rain
  var daily_rain = json.agent.properties.dayRain.values[0].value;
      console.log("daily rain = ", daily_rain);

  //Max Wind
  var max_wind_from_json = json.agent.properties.windSpeed.maxValueToday.values[0].value;

  var max_wind = RoundString(max_wind_from_json);
     console.log("max wind from json = ", max_wind_from_json, " rounded to ", max_wind);

      // Assemble dictionary using our keys
  var dictionary = {
    "TEMP_OUTSIDE": temperature,
    "TEMP_INSIDE": temperature_inside,
    "RAIN_DAILY": daily_rain,
    "WIND_MAX": max_wind,
    "TIME": time_from_json

  // Send to Pebble
    function(e) {
      console.log("Weather info sent to Pebble successfully!");
    function(e) {
      console.log("Error sending weather info to Pebble!");
}    // End Function(responseText)
)   ;    // End xhrRequest
}        // End getWeather

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