开箱即用,Webdriver只截取可见页面区域的屏幕截图。 从this post开始,我想问一下,当页面长度大于视口时,如何使用Java在Selenium中拍摄完整的屏幕截图?
描述如何执行此操作的帖子未得到回答(例如this one),或者指向提供该功能的AShot库(例如this one),但是它具有一些功能这意味着我不想使用它。具体来说,当使用远程驱动程序时,例如Browserstack,仅呈现屏幕截图的左半部分。此外,它不再由原始作者维护,因此对于本质上很简单的问题,写一个新函数似乎更合适。
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public void takeFullScreenshot(String outputFile) throws IOException {
JavascriptExecutor js = ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver);
// Scroll right to the top
// Get the height of the screen
int windowHeight = ((Number) js.executeScript("return window.innerHeight")).intValue();
// Get the total height of the page
int pageHeight = ((Number) js.executeScript("return document.body.scrollHeight")).intValue();
// Calculate the number of full screen shots
double fullFraction = pageHeight / windowHeight;
int fullShots = (int) fullFraction; // this simply removes the decimals
// Initialise ouput image
int imageWidth = webDriver.manage().window().getSize().width;
BufferedImage fullScreenshot = new BufferedImage(imageWidth, pageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
// Get the graphics
Graphics2D fullGraphics = fullScreenshot.createGraphics();
// Calculate our scroll script
String script = "window.scrollBy(0," + String.valueOf(windowHeight) + ")";
// Loop - for the required number of full screenshots
for (int aShot = 0; aShot < fullShots; aShot ++) {
// Sort out the screenshot and paste it in the correct place
pasteScreenshot(fullGraphics, aShot * windowHeight);
// scroll
// Final phase - scroll to the bottom
js.executeScript(script); // we know this goes too far down, but should be OK.
// Take final screenshot and paste at the bottom
pasteScreenshot(fullGraphics, pageHeight - windowHeight);
// Save the whole thing to output file.
ImageIO.write(fullScreenshot, "PNG", new File(outputFile));
private void pasteScreenshot (Graphics2D outputGraphics, int yCoordinate) throws IOException {
// Take screenshot and hold it as an image
File tmpFile = ((TakesScreenshot)webDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage tmpImage = ImageIO.read(tmpFile);
// Draw it on the graphics of the final output image
outputGraphics.drawImage(tmpImage, null, 0, yCoordinate);