我在多行上有一串元素(但是如有必要,我可以将其更改为全部在一行上),我想在 我尝试使用正则表达式SecRegex = /
尝试var fndSection = result.split(' 我在网上查看了所有内容,从以上发现的两种方法之一应该可以奏效。 result ='
代码 这是我从已有代码中得到的结果 如您所见
我想要的是将 感谢大家对此的帮助。感谢您的帮助。 Maxine <chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title>
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter> <title>Chapter Title</title>
<section id="Section ID">
<title>Section Title</title>
<title>Para0 Title</title>
<para>blah blah</para>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
SecRegex = /<section.*?>[\s\S]*?<\/section>/;
var fndSection = result.split(SecRegex);
console.log("result string " + fndSection);
result string <chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title> , , , , <chapter id="chap1"> <para0> <title></title></para0> </chapter>
result string <chapter id="chap1"> <para0> <title></title></para0> </chapter>
result string <chapter
答案 0 :(得分:2)
const regex = /<section[a-z="'\s]+>([\s\S]*?)<\/section>/gmi;
const str = `<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title>
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
const subst = `$1`;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
console.log('Substitution result: ', result);
如果您还想捕获section标签,则只需包装entire expression in a capturing group:
const regex = /(<section[a-z="'\s]+>([\s\S]*?)<\/section>)/gmi;
const str = `<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title>
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
const subst = `\n$1\n`;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
console.log('Substitution result: \n', result);
答案 1 :(得分:2)
const strings = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('section')).map(section => section.outerHTML);
// Collect all <section>s into a NodeList
const sections = document.querySelectorAll('section');
// Convert NodeList into an Array
const array = Array.from(sections);
Iterate through Array -- on each <section>...
convert it into a String
const strings = array.map(section => section.outerHTML);
// View array as a template literal for a cleaner look
// Verifying it's an array of mutiple elements
// Verifying that they are in fact strings
console.log(typeof strings[0]);
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2">
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap1">
<title>Chapter Title</title>
<section id="Section ID">
<title>Section Title</title>
<title>Para0 Title</title>
<para>blah blah</para>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
答案 2 :(得分:1)
var result = `<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title>
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter> <title>Chapter Title</title>
<section id="Section ID">
<title>Section Title</title>
<title>Para0 Title</title>
<para>blah blah</para>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
// the g flag is added ---------------------↓
SecRegex = /<section.*?>[\s\S]*?<\/section>/g;
var fndSection = result.match(SecRegex);
console.log("result string ", fndSection);
var result = `<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap2"> <title>THEORY</title>
<section id="Thoery">
<title>theory Section</title>
<para0 verstatus="ver">
<title>Theory Para 0 </title>
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter id="chap1">
<chapter> <title>Chapter Title</title>
<section id="Section ID">
<title>Section Title</title>
<title>Para0 Title</title>
<para>blah blah</para>
<section id="Next section">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="More sections">
<text>blah blah</text>
<section id="section">
<text>blah blah</text>
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(result, "text/html");
var sections = [...doc.getElementsByTagName("section")];
var fndSection = sections.map(section => section.outerHTML)