IJavaScriptExecutor ijse_JS = iwd as IJavaScriptExecutor;
string sHtml = ijse_JS.ExecuteScript("return document.documentElement.innerHTML;").ToString();
string sCurrentTag = "";
//iterate through a Hashset<string> of all of the possible tags for HTML (premade)
for (int k = 0; k < HashSet_of_All_Tags.Count; k++)
//I want to find all of the instances of that specific tag now
sCurrentTag = HashSet_of_All_Tags.ElementAt(k);
//create a collection of IWebElement that is of every instance of the Tag that I'm looking at
IReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> iwe = iwebdriver_object.FindElements(By.TagName(sCurrentTag))
//now run through it and get all of the styling and attribute values (if they are set)
for(int j = 0; j < iwe; j++)
IWebElement Element_Im_Looking_At = iwe.ElementAt(j);
//This finds the tag that I'm looking at, and then it will look at the corresponding Hashset at that spot in the dictionary
//that holds all of the relavent attributes for that element i.e. the 'div' key will have 'align' and all global attributes
//packed into the Hashset. If there is nothing set, then don't bother keeping it. If something is set, keep it in the format
//of "Tag=Attribute_Value; ". I will then iterate through this string later with RegEx to get the information that I care about
for (int i = 0; i < dsh_Tags[sEle.TagName].Count(); i++)
//reset the strings to hold onto all of the attribute values and CSS values
sAttr = sStyle = "";
//dsh_Tags is a Dictionary<string, Hashset<string>>
sCurr = dsh_Tags[Element_Im_Looking_At.TagName].ElementAt(i);
s = Element_Im_Looking_At.GetAttribute(sCurr);
if (s != null && s != "")
sAttr += $"{sCurr}={s}; ";
//This loop iterates through all CSS properties and gets every value, and packs it into a string in the same format as the one above
//but does it for CSS styles
for (int i = 0; i < hs_AllCSSProp.Count(); i++)
sCurr = hs_AllCSSProp.ElementAt(i);
s = Element_Im_Looking_At.GetCssValue(sCurr);
if (s != null && s != "")
sStyle += $"{sCurr}={s}; ";