
时间:2019-05-15 09:12:16

标签: applescript


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


use framework "CoreLocation"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

property this : a reference to the current application
property nil : a reference to missing value
property _1 : a reference to reference

property CLLocationManager : a reference to CLLocationManager of this
property kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers : a reference to 3000.0
property running : false
property result : missing value -- Lat./long. or error description
property number : 0 -- Error code
property seconds : 10 -- Maximum time to allow script to run
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"getLocation" withObject:nil waitUntilDone:true
return my result
to getLocation()
    set locationManager to CLLocationManager's new()

    locationManager's setDelegate:me
    locationManager's setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers

    set my running to true
    set started to current date

    locationManager's startUpdatingLocation()

    repeat while my running
        delay 0.5
        if (current date) - started > my seconds then exit repeat
    end repeat
end getLocation

on locationManager:locationManager didUpdateLocations:locations
    local locationManager, locations

    locationManager's stopUpdatingLocation()

    set my running to false
    set my result to (locations's valueForKey:"coordinate") as record
end locationManager:didUpdateLocations:

on locationManager:locationManager didFailWithError:err
    local locationManager, err

    tell err's code()
        set my number to it
        set my result to item (it + 1) in my enum's kCLError
        if it ≠ 0 then set my running to false
    end tell
end locationManager:didFailWithError:

script enum
    property kCLError : {¬
        "Location Unknown", ¬
        "Denied", ¬
        "Network", ¬
        "Heading Failure", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Denied", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Failure", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Setup Delayed", ¬
        "Region Monitoring Response Delayed", ¬
        "Geocode Found No Result", ¬
        "Geocode Found Partial Result", ¬
        "Geocode Canceled", ¬
        "Deferred Failed", ¬
        "Deferred Not Updating Location", ¬
        "Deferred Accuracy Too Low", ¬
        "Deferred Distance Filtered", ¬
        "Deferred Canceled", ¬
        "Ranging Unavailable", ¬
        "Ranging Failure"}
    property CLAuthorizationStatus : {¬
        "Not Determined", ¬
        "Restricted", ¬
        "Denied", ¬
        "Authorized (Always)", ¬
        "Authorized When In Use"}
end script

如果返回消息是“位置未知”,则可能表明您需要reset your network settings