python ECDSA和C micro-ecc库之间的ECDSA签名和验证问题

时间:2019-05-15 05:22:33

标签: python c cryptography public-key-encryption ecdsa


  1. 使用python创建ECDSA SECP256k1曲线的公共私钥对,并将其打印在终端上。
  2. 将密钥对复制粘贴到Python脚本和Visual Studio(使用micro-ecc库的C编码)中。这样我每次运行代码时就不会生成新密钥。
  3. 使用私钥在Python中签名消息(“ Hello”),并在终端上打印签名和消息。我知道必须先使用标准哈希算法(例如SHA256)对消息进行哈希处理,但是在这种情况下,我将直接使用消息进行签名。
  4. 将签名和相同的消息(哈希)复制到Visual Studio中。
  5. 当我在Visual Studio中调用verify API时,尽管验证使用了相同的公钥,消息,签名和曲线,但验证全部失败。


  1. Visual Studio中用于C的micro-ecc
  2. 适用于python的ECDSA


  1. 对于相同的密钥对(sk,vk),在python中签名和验证都可以正常工作。
  2. 对于相同的密钥对(sk,vk),在Visual Studio中签名和验证都可以正常工作。
  3. 在Visual Studio中使用microECC签名并在python中使用ECDSA进行验证失败,也在ECDSA中签名并使用microECC在中进行验证失败。
  4. 我确信从终端粘贴的密钥实际上是预期的密钥,因为我已经从复制的签名密钥中对验证密钥进行了交叉验证,并且该密钥是匹配的。


import ecdsa
from ecdsa import SigningKey, SECP256k1

sk  = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1) 
vk  = sk.get_verifying_key()

sklst = []
for e in bytearray(sk.to_string()):

vklst = []
for e in bytearray(vk.to_string()):

print("Private Key is:")

print("Public Key is:")


Private Key is:
[38, 108, 90, 112, 230, 138, 62, 97, 107, 90, 227, 165, 207, 80, 251, 154, 17, 4, 73, 53, 33, 162, 33, 200, 243, 205, 116, 43, 36, 59, 201, 84]
Public Key is:
[163, 238, 83, 33, 229, 249, 105, 12, 141, 7, 214, 134, 148, 1, 198, 45, 13, 31, 9, 223, 85, 201, 98, 248, 73, 160, 40, 255, 64, 214, 250, 121, 234, 103, 212, 148, 197, 48, 210, 38, 166, 51, 30, 81, 119, 240, 125, 104, 237, 24, 3, 216, 229, 87, 45, 7, 115, 69, 94, 187, 236, 91, 142, 18]

复制将私钥粘贴到 python脚本中,并生成签名和公钥 我已经使用“ Hello”作为用于创建签名的消息

import ecdsa
from ecdsa import SigningKey, SECP256k1

signinKey_lst = [38, 108, 90, 112, 230, 138, 62, 97, 107, 90, 227, 165, 207, 80, 251, 154, 17, 4, 73, 53, 33, 162, 33, 200, 243, 205, 116, 43, 36, 59, 201, 84]
signinKey_lst = bytearray(signinKey_lst)
signinKey = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(signinKey_lst, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
verifyKey = signinKey.get_verifying_key()

signinKey_lst = []
for e in bytearray(signinKey.to_string()):

verifyKey_lst = []
for e in bytearray(verifyKey.to_string()):

print("Public Key is:")

msg = "Hello"

sign = signinKey.sign(msg)
sign_lst = []

verifyKey_lst = []
for e in bytearray(sign):

print("Signature is:")


Private Key is:
[38, 108, 90, 112, 230, 138, 62, 97, 107, 90, 227, 165, 207, 80, 251, 154, 17, 4, 73, 53, 33, 162, 33, 200, 243, 205, 116, 43, 36, 59, 201, 84]
Public Key is:
[163, 238, 83, 33, 229, 249, 105, 12, 141, 7, 214, 134, 148, 1, 198, 45, 13, 31, 9, 223, 85, 201, 98, 248, 73, 160, 40, 255, 64, 214, 250, 121, 234, 103, 212, 148, 197, 48, 210, 38, 166, 51, 30, 81, 119, 240, 125, 104, 237, 24, 3, 216, 229, 87, 45, 7, 115, 69, 94, 187, 236, 91, 142, 18]
Signature is:
[47, 107, 101, 228, 187, 209, 97, 180, 83, 149, 133, 71, 62, 15, 86, 186, 192, 222, 108, 221, 249, 128, 124, 7, 139, 110, 103, 108, 62, 89, 136, 152, 226, 43, 104, 166, 92, 247, 9, 201, 135, 96, 19, 75, 55, 229, 67, 198, 188, 90, 246, 17, 157, 1, 229, 71, 151, 206, 211, 95, 41, 51, 96, 42]

复制粘贴签名,并在带有Micro ecc库的Visual Studio中使用相同的消息:-


#include "stdio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "uECC.h"
#include "constants.h"

uint8_t privateKey[32] = { 0 };
uint8_t publicKey[64] = { 163, 238, 83, 33, 229, 249, 105, 12, 141, 7, 214, 134, 148, 1, 198, 45, 13, 31, 9, 223, 85, 201, 98, 248, 73, 160, 40, 255, 64, 214, 250, 121, 234, 103, 212, 148, 197, 48, 210, 38, 166, 51, 30, 81, 119, 240, 125, 104, 237, 24, 3, 216, 229, 87, 45, 7, 115, 69, 94, 187, 236, 91, 142, 18 };
uint8_t msg[5] = { 'H','e','l','l','o' };
uint8_t sign[64] = { 47, 107, 101, 228, 187, 209, 97, 180, 83, 149, 133, 71, 62, 15, 86, 186, 192, 222, 108, 221, 249, 128, 124, 7, 139, 110, 103, 108, 62, 89, 136, 152, 226, 43, 104, 166, 92, 247, 9, 201, 135, 96, 19, 75, 55, 229, 67, 198, 188, 90, 246, 17, 157, 1, 229, 71, 151, 206, 211, 95, 41, 51, 96, 42 };

void printArray(uint8_t* pToArr, uint32_t u16ArrSize)
    uint32_t c = 0;
    printf("[ ");
    for (c = 0; c < u16ArrSize; c++)
        if (c != (u16ArrSize - 1))
            printf(" %u,", *pToArr);
            printf(" %u", *pToArr);
    printf(" ]");

int main()
    const struct uECC_Curve_t* curve;
    #if uECC_SUPPORTS_secp256k1
    curve = uECC_secp256k1();

    const char* m = "Hello World"; //{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,0xff }

    printf("Validating the Encrypted hash with the public key and the hash used\n");

    printf("\n\nPublic Key:\n");
    printArray(publicKey, sizeof(publicKey));

    printArray(msg, sizeof(msg));

    printArray(sign, sizeof(sign));

    if (!uECC_verify(publicKey, msg, sizeof(msg), sign, curve))
        printf("\nuECC_verify() failed\n");
        printf("\nuECC_verify() succeeded\n");

    return 0;

通过运行source.c输出Visual Studio:-

Validating the Encrypted hash with the public key and the hash used

Public Key:
[  148, 49, 144, 80, 185, 77, 185, 14, 186, 168, 164, 110, 123, 192, 55, 219, 184, 133, 153, 65, 144, 169, 175, 171, 203, 225, 88, 134, 51, 199, 254, 215, 237, 144, 141, 137, 80, 190, 25, 35, 33, 136, 248, 190, 114, 60, 128, 34, 155, 157, 83, 68, 187, 154, 137, 9, 51, 112, 155, 54, 88, 104, 82, 138 ]

[  72, 101, 108, 108, 111 ]

[  186, 247, 43, 62, 152, 84, 40, 197, 74, 135, 80, 18, 152, 150, 121, 177, 155, 242, 1, 11, 171, 155, 45, 19, 174, 171, 190, 66, 31, 125, 214, 136, 41, 116, 139, 82, 71, 208, 4, 80, 47, 154, 100, 173, 110, 164, 25, 19, 7, 253, 175, 123, 34, 1, 99, 86, 241, 241, 211, 45, 15, 35, 210, 69 ]

uECC_verify() failed


C:\Users\\source\repos\Crypt_sample1\x64\Debug\Crypt_sample1.exe (process 17160) exited with code 0.
To automatically close the console when debugging stops, enable Tools->Options->Debugging->Automatically close the console when debugging stops.
Press any key to close this window . . .


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 根据消息计算出哈希摘要
  • 然后对该摘要进行签名。

除非另有说明,否则默认情况下,Python ECDSA默认使用SHA-1。

消息“ Hello”的SHA-1摘要采用十六进制编码:f7ff9e8b7bb2e09b70935a5d785e0cc5d9d0abf0




uint8_t msg[] = { 0xf7, 0xff, 0x9e, 0x8b, 0x7b, 0xb2, 0xe0, 0x9b, 0x70, 0x93, 0x5a, 0x5d, 0x78, 0x5e, 0x0c, 0xc5, 0xd9, 0xd0, 0xab, 0xf0};




uECC_verify output