
时间:2019-05-15 00:56:10

标签: javascript angular ionic-framework google-cloud-firestore


public getListingData(): Observable < RequestListingModel > {
  console.log("getting listing...");
    requests => {
      this._listRequestItems = requests.map(a => {
        const data = a.payload.doc.data() as RequestItemModel;
        data.requestId = a.payload.doc.id;

        console.log("doc found - " + data.requestId);
        return data;


  const requestListingModel = {
    items: this._listRequestItems
  as RequestListingModel;

  return of(requestListingModel);

import * as dayjs from 'dayjs';

export class RequestItemModel {
  name: string;
  address: string;
  category: string;
  requestId: string;
  postBy: string;
  description: string;
  // Default mock value
  // expirationDate = '12/01/2018';
  expirationDate: string = dayjs().add(5, 'day').format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss') as string;

export class RequestListingModel {
  items: Array<RequestItemModel> = [];

  constructor(readonly isShell: boolean) { }

它不起作用,因为调用函数getListingData()时总是返回空返回值,但是控制台可以成功打印出每个requestId,我认为我存储到数组的方式出了问题,请帮忙,谢谢! / p>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


因此import maya.cmds as mc import pymel.all as pma from functools import partial BOOLEANMODE_ADD = 1 BOOLEANMODE_SUBTRACT = 2 PRIMITIVE_CUBE = 0 PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER = 1 PRIMITIVE_SPHERE = 2 PRIMITIVE_CUSTOM = 3 def cleanUp (): mc.delete(constructionHistory=True) mc.delete("*_ctrl*") def hider(option, *args): if option == 0: mc.hide() elif option == 1: mc.select ("*_ctrl*") mc.hide() elif option == 2: mc.select ("*_ctrl*") mc.showHidden() mc.select (clear=True) def fixMaterial(): # pma.hyperShade( assign="lambert1" ) # works better with the command sets, jut put the SG you need sel = mc.ls(sl = True) if not mc.objExists('grey20'): shaLambert = mc.shadingNode('lambert', asShader = True, name = 'grey20') shaLambertSG = mc.sets(name = 'grey20SG', empty = True, renderable = True, noSurfaceShader = True) mc.connectAttr('grey20.outColor', 'grey20SG.surfaceShader') mc.sets(sel, edit = True, fe = shaLambertSG) def triangulate(): mc.polyTriangulate() def creator(primitives, *args): selection = mc.ls(sl=True) for x in selection: if primitives == PRIMITIVE_CUBE: a = makeCube() #Create cube if primitives == PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER: a = makeCyl() #Create cyl if primitives == PRIMITIVE_SPHERE: a = makeSphere() #Create sphere if primitives == PRIMITIVE_CUSTOM: a = selection[1] x = selection[0] mc.select(a) b = createController(a) meshConstrainer (b,a) operator(x,a) mc.select(b) def operator(meshA, meshB): booleanmode = get_boolean_mode() # is there a way to replace this pymel ? pma.polyBoolOp( meshA, meshB, op=booleanmode, n="basemesh" ) fixMaterial() #REMINDER: Need to be replaced with the actual assigned material and not with a lambert1 so for who is working with other materials can easyly keep using that def get_boolean_mode(addRadioB=None, subRadioB=None): # should not be implemented as string..... if mc.radioButton('addRadio', query = True, select = True) : return BOOLEANMODE_ADD if mc.radioButton('subRadio', query = True, select = True) : return BOOLEANMODE_SUBTRACT return None def makeCube(): cubeTransform = mc.polyCube(n="cubetobool", w=1, h=1, d=1, sx=1, sy=1, sz=1)[0] return cubeTransform def makeCyl(): cylTransform = mc.polyCylinder(n="cubetobool", r=1, h=2, sx=20)[0] return cylTransform def makeSphere(): sphereTransform = mc.polySphere(n="cubetobool", r=1, sx=20, sy=20, cuv=2)[0] return sphereTransform def meshConstrainer(constrainer, constrained): mc.scaleConstraint( constrainer, constrained, maintainOffset=True) mc.parentConstraint( constrainer, constrained, maintainOffset=True) def createController(object): #object = pma.ls(sl=True) pivotObj = mc.xform(object,query=True,t=True,worldSpace=True) edges = mc.filterExpand(mc.polyListComponentConversion(te=1),sm=32,ex=1) # convert edges to curve ancd create one object for edge in edges: vtx = mc.ls(mc.polyListComponentConversion(edge,fe=1,tv=1),fl=1) p1 = mc.pointPosition(vtx[0]) p2 = mc.pointPosition(vtx[1]) curves = mc.curve(n="line_ctrl_curve", d=1,p=(p1,p2)) ctrl = mc.curve (n="bool_ctrl", d=1,ws=True, p=pivotObj) mc.xform (centerPivots=True) for curveEdge in mc.ls ("line_ctrl*"): mc.parent(curveEdge,ctrl, s=1, r=1) mc.rename(curveEdge, "shapeunused") transforms = mc.ls(type='transform') deleteList = [] for tran in transforms: if mc.nodeType(tran) == 'transform': children = mc.listRelatives(tran, c=True) if children is None: #print '%s, has no childred' %(tran) deleteList.append(tran) if not deleteList: mc.delete(deleteList) return ctrl def deleteUI(name, *args): mc.deleteUI(name) #################TUTORIAL def super_bool_tut(): windowNameTut = "Tutorial" if mc.window(windowNameTut , exists=True): mc.deleteUI(windowNameTut) windowTutorial = mc.window(windowNameTut, title = windowNameTut, width = 400, height = 300, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) mainSubLayout = mc.columnLayout( "testColumn", adjustableColumn = True) lb_txt = "This tool is a super tool to make booleans wrote by Leonardo Iezzi. To make it works correctly, you need to have your base mesh already even if just a cube. " lb_txt += "With your base mesh selected just press one of the three buttons on the windows to subtract or add those primitives. " lb_txt += "If you want to use a custom mesh for the operation: select your base mesh then the custom one " lb_txt += "(it's important to pick your base mesh first) and then press the 'Use custom mesh' button. After you have done, select your base mesh and press 'Clean Up.'" mc.text("intro", label = lb_txt ,wordWrap= True, height = 100, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], align='left', parent = mainSubLayout) mc.separator(parent = "testColumn", height=20) mc.button("goit", label = "Got it", width = 120, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], parent = mainSubLayout, command = partial(deleteUI, windowNameTut)) mc.showWindow() ################################################################################################UI################################################# # @@@@@@@ THIS IS POLYSHIFTER!! I HAVE ADDED THIS AS A FUNCTION INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT UNINDENTED def super_bool_ui(): windowName = "SuperBool" w, h = (120, 200) if mc.window(windowName , exists=True): mc.deleteUI(windowName) window = mc.window( windowName, title= windowName, width = w, height = h) mainLayout = mc.columnLayout( "mainColumn", adjustableColumn = True) ################################################################################################UI################################################# gridl_01 = mc.gridLayout("nameGridLayout01", numberOfRowsColumns = (1,4), cellWidthHeight = (40,40), parent = mainLayout) btn_symb = mc.symbolButton("nameButton1", image = "polyCube.png", width = 40, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_01, command = partial(creator, PRIMITIVE_CUBE)) mc.symbolButton("nameButton2", image = "polyCylinder.png", width = 40, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_01, command = partial(creator, PRIMITIVE_CYLINDER)) mc.symbolButton("nameButton3", image = "polySphere.png", width = 40, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_01, command = partial(creator, PRIMITIVE_SPHERE)) vl_column01 = mc.columnLayout("columnLayoutName01", adjustableColumn = True, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], p=mainLayout) mc.radioCollection("collection10", parent = vl_column01) subRadioB = mc.radioButton("subRadio", select = True, label = "Sub") addRadioB = mc.radioButton("addRadio", label = "Add") ################################################################################################UI################################################# mc.separator(parent = mainLayout, height=20) mc.button("customMeshB", label = "Use Custom Mesh", width = 120, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = mainLayout, command = partial(creator, PRIMITIVE_CUSTOM)) mc.separator(parent = mainLayout, height=20) ################################################################################################UI################################################# gridl_02 = mc.gridLayout("nameGridLayout03", numberOfRowsColumns = (1,3), cellWidthHeight = (53,40), parent = mainLayout) mc.button("hidSelB", label = "Hide Sel", height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_02, command = partial(hider, 0)) mc.button("hidAllB", label = "Hide All", height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_02, command = partial(hider, 1)) mc.button("showAll", label = "Show All", height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_02, command = partial(hider, 2)) mc.separator(parent = mainLayout, height=20) mc.button("clean", label = "Clean Up", width = 120, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = mainLayout, command = cleanUp) mc.separator(parent = mainLayout, height=20) ################################################################################################UI################################################# ################################################################################################UI################################################# gridl_03 = mc.gridLayout("nameGridLayout02", numberOfRowsColumns = (1,2), cellWidthHeight = (80,40), parent = mainLayout) mc.button("triangB", label = "Triangulate", width = 120, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_03, command = triangulate) mc.button("fixMatB", label = "FixMaterial", width = 120, height = 40, backgroundColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2], parent = gridl_03, command = fixMaterial) ################################################################################################UI################################################# mc.showWindow() ################################################################### ################## ################### ################## END OF SUPER BOOL TOOL ################### ################## ################### ################################################################### ################################################################### ################## ################### ################## BEGINNING OF MY UI SCRIPT ################### ################## ################### ################################################################### #### My custom script #### def my_custom_script_com(*args): super_bool_ui() super_bool_tut() # Create a custom floating window with if mc.window('ToolsWindow', q=True, exists=True): mc.deleteUI('ToolsWindow') if mc.workspaceControl('ToolsWorkspaceControl', q=True, exists=True): mc.deleteUI('ToolsWorkspaceControl') mc.window('ToolsWindow') mainL = mc.columnLayout() tabLayout = mc.tabLayout('ToolsTabs', p=mainL) ######################################################### ################## IMPORTING PANEL ################ ######################################################### tabMenu = mc.columnLayout("Menu", adj=True, p=tabLayout) separator_long = mc.separator( height=10, style='in', p=tabMenu) mc.button(label="MyCustomScript", command = my_custom_script_com, p=tabMenu) mc.showWindow() return of(requestListingModel);填充数组之前被调用,从而返回一个可观察到的空数组。



但希望能为您指明正确的方向。 :-)